Aside from the blurry memory of my monobrow dream, I finally started remembering my dreams again. I am finally normal, in Wendisense.
It was Wednesday morning when I first remembered an awkward dream. Yes, I fell asleep at 3 or 4 AM on Wednesday. I'm not going to say those dramatic cliché. "I was lost in thought... I couldn't sleep, worrying about... Staying awake was too painful but sleep isn't any better..."
But, actually, I really was lost in thought. And I couldn't sleep because I was worrying about something. Staying awake, yes, was frustrating, because I had class at 10 AM. Sleep, however, can't seem to agree with me.
So, an excerpt of the dream, which I wrote in my journal for the meantime because I didn't have internet...
...We then came across a tiange, displaying various headbands. We stopped over to look. An old man standing beside the display took a headband. He said it'll look good in me. He put it in my head. "What do you think?" I was actually freaking out already. But I answered, "yes, I think it's cute." The old man suddenly stepped closer to us and asked me to come with him. Now, I was freaked out...
...And then I remember us running. It didn't feel like we were running away from the man, tho. I dunno why, but we were running… And, now that I think of it, the girl with us was Ia. But when we were running, she wasn't there anymore...
And I can't share the whole dream because, now that I think of it, it is inappropriate on some levels. I'm glad I didn't have internet. Anyway... Please correct my grammar. LOL.
And, yeah, I had other dreams that aren't really exciting, so, whatever... Labels: #cw, #update, %english, `life, `me
Sa mga nagbabasa ng blog ko dyan, are you stalking me? Well, IDK and IDRC, so, hello thar! Why don't you leave me anything in my chatbox? Anyway, are you still bored? D'you want me to suggest things you can do? :D :D :D
Well, aside from thinking of happy thoughts and flying to Neverland... I believe you should do cartwheels! That's right, do cartwheels! What, you don't know how? Well, haha! I don't either! That's why you should give it a try! :D It'll be good for your health. Exercise! If you fall and break you arm tho, go to the doctor! :D Isn't that fun?
Next, if you're retarded, try! I was retarded once, too, don't worry. :) My username was uni_cell, and I still find it cute. Badass username, hellyeah.
If you're not amused, well then, why not make your own blog! Write and share stuff. Make stories. Please, please give me a link so I have something to read, too. I get bored, too. I don't have blogger friends. :(
You want to do something that can relive your childhood? Hmmn. Don't just watch old Disney movies... READ THEIR SCRIPTS HERE. It'll be better than watching the movies. If you're a real fan, you'll know how the scenes played out. So, go ahead and kill yourself with scripts! :D
But, srsly, guys. IDK why you read my blog, IDK if you're just bored, but, thanks anyway. Atleast someone reads what I write in here. When the day comes that I get paid for every click, I hope you would still visit my blog. (Then I'd be rich. RICH. RIIICH~!)
Please don't judge me too much. No, I'm not just a girl with a blog. I'm a girl with a lot of imagination and IDK how to put 'em into good use, so, yeah, I blog. I like making things look a bit more fun, or a bit more serious... But things, aren't always what they seem, okay? IDK what I'm saying all of a sudden. LOL.
SHOUT OUT TO: Physics Friends!!! Pisay IRC People, esp. eMeMeX!!! Kalay Friends!!! HIMIG KALAY! to my random internet friends... :D And to Marcgell's orgmates. ;) heyeah~ IVANA JOYCE! :) HANNA THEA~! :D Jayjay! xD Marcgell! and to whoever is reading this. :) I bet you're a fan.
//stab me with a fork, wilyah? Labels: #update, %english
I don't intend to be deep, but, I really want to understand how the universe works. The list of the things I want to know keeps growing longer and longer. Being smart isn't my goal. My goal is to be wise. I want to be able to determine what's right and what's not in instant. I want to be able to make my decisions right.
There are times that I get a little too confident about how I look. Well, if I was someone else, I'd date myself, me being either a guy or a girl. And, tens of guys know they'd kill to date me.
Oh, I love exagerating for added effects. That's how I am being a writer. I would type extra letters for emphasis, like, yeeaaah~! And I spell seriously as s-r-s-l-y, really as r-l-y, and...
I have a limited dictionary of profanities, so I use all the words all the fucking time. Well, no, not rly.
I love contradicting myself. It's fun. Uh, no.
I compliment myself when nobody does. And when my friends won't, and I hate on them.
I love reading. I read menus. I read Math Books. I read UP-CAT and SAT reviewers. I love novels. I love Sandra Brown and her thrillers. I'm into violence. I love the Harry Potter Series. I love children's books.
I'm a Disney kid. I grew up wanting to be like one of the princesses. It's unfair that those girls in their classic movies always, always gets married early. And, yeah, I love them and I hate them all at once.
I listen to different types of music. I love KPop. I can spend all day talking about KPop. I've never tried that before, but, I will accept challenges.
I hate being sick. So, I jog to assure myself that I'm healthy.
I'm tiny. No. I'm sexy. No, wait... I'm pettite. WELL, atleast my hands and feet are proportional to my size. Unlike others who have gargantuan feet but lack in height, or microhands but are giants.
I am mean. I make fun of others a lot. And I make fun of myself alot, too. :O
I eat when I'm bored. I'm not always hungry, I just love to eat. :O I guess my mouth just needs to move, since I don't talk too much... since I don't have anyone to talk to... since I don't have much friends... because I'm so annoying... because I'm too good to be friends with anyone... since I'm always typing, just sitting around.
[A/N: Why am I so celf-centered? I WANNA KNOW. :O ]
Labels: #cw, %english, `me
My first I Look Up To post is two weeks overdue. The research process is just eating me all up. I have to cut the post short now. :O
And on a random note. kmjn sfvkjbgkjbrejbke. MINHWAN DOING RAINISM. Yes, it's messy. Sorry he's not a dancer. He's just a drummer/singer/rapper anyway.
I keep doing microposts. Sweet. :)
[edit] OMG. He plays the piano BTW. ijbveijbvbjerakjbkjnb. Whyyyyy. Sooo adorable. TT__TT Labels: #update, %english, `me
I need to make a post before the actual date of the anniversary. I've been thinking about my "About Me" box, and, heck, why don't I make a whole post for that? Because I'm a narcissist that way.
Anyway, for the past blog year, I've been quite annoying. Yes, I admit that. I'm going through my entries, pretending to be someone who haven't seen them before and I really, really find me annoying.
I remember a Twitter update that's definitely right for me. "I'm fluent in three languages: English, Sarcasm, and Profanity."
April 2009-April 2010, I forgot how to be sarcastic. Well, maybe not that I forgot how to be sarcastic, I just learned how to be honest, and how to be considerate about my opinions and other's (others'?). But then came 2010, which I knew from way back would not be my year. And yes, I did a lot of mo-fu-ing entries about hope and loneliness, stupidity, and all that shit. I wrote about people, which was mean of me. And I keep on swearing. Though I already did say that I can say "hell" and "fuck" in just one sentence, I became a little bit more barbaric, ghetto.
And so, I am not exactly your type of awesome, am I? I'm just a teenager. I am a sorry excuse for an adult. I have a bad case of over confidence that comes out at wrong times and places. I cuss.
But I'm not all bad, am I? :/ I don't know. It's just hard to think of the good things I've done. It's like sorting out clothes. It's easier to say a shirt has a print, than be entirely sure it doesn't. So, yeah, I'm not entirely sure about the things I've done right.
I did a good job choosing UP, that's one. I've made some friends. I've accepted the fact that I love Marcgell....
It's srsly hard to think of the good stuff. I think of one, and I get, like, ten failures with it. It's so frustrating. I know I've worked hard to stay out of trouble. I really want to be a good student. But, I'm just the way I am. I have flaws. Hell, I have lots of them!
Looking back, I've made lots of good entries that prolly annoy people who wish were as great as I am. Because I'm cocky, and rough, and a narcissist, and I can get away with it. HA! Beat that!
But, srsly, guys (if I still have readers, since last I checked there were just three, I think...) I really didn't have much this blog year. Yes, I am prolly most active now. Which only shows I don't have a life. :| So, wish me luck. And I wish every single person out there, especially you, to have the best you deserve! :) Let's all be positive about life and go out there and look for our dreams~
Ooh~ dramatic shit~ Labels: #cw, %english, `life, `me
1. I used to blog freely. I never really expected anyone (aside from my Mom and Lei) to read this piece of sh--. I used to write all my thoughts and feelings. But now, it seems that I wait. I wait for things to get better. I wait for things to be worse. I wait for the time it no longer matters. I'm not entirely sure if it's a good thing for my reputation, since I think before I blog. But it's not too well for my emotional health. Memories keep coming back, thoughts keep clouding my mind.
2. Memories keep coming back. Well, no, not really. Just when people remind me. Or things remind me. The phrase in Park Bom's song, "please, don't cry," just reminds me of Vil. Well, I was soo into the MV, like, T__T whysosaaad?? And then I was singing along while browsing my dashboard in Tumblr... [insert gibberish here because idk Korean ] It's okay, baby, please, don't cry ~ And then it hit me. I saw a picture of chocomint cakes or smth, and there and then, it came back to me: How Nikka thought I meant "Vil and I" when I really just meant "Mint and Chocolate". He told me that while letting me go, "don't cry." And how he told me not to cry when, obviously, I would cry my eyes out... Unbelievable.
3. Why are all these great songs so heartbreaking? 0330 by U-KISS, Dongho pretending she's still there... Big Bang's Love Song & Stupid Liar, being left behind & being cheated on... Daesung's Baby, Don't Cry... It's just rubbing in on me. It makes me wanna cry all the time. It makes me feel like, maybe, something's wrong and I just keep asking myself What if he leaves me? What if he cheats on me? T__T Soo frustrating. I can't even go to sleep peacefully.
4. Dreams. I don't remember my dreams lately. All I can remember from the last one was the fact that I had a unibrow. I should pluck my eyebrows. :|
5. My head hurts. I'll sleep. Labels: #life, #list, #update, %english, `life, `me
Because you'll never know when you'll die. You don't want your last words to be lies, do you? Labels: #cw, %english, `life
So, ML's fine. After everybody's frenzied worrying and shiz, he's fine. At normal rates of life, I would be really pissed at him. But, life isn't normal, anymore. So, what happened with ML? Wait, do you guys know him? → ML, is Irah's boyfriend. He's my Physics mate. He's an asshole. But, to Irah, ML is the whole wide cotton candy universe.
Before ML went missing, he was with Irah. Well, don't ask why, that's just how it is if you've got means to be together, you'll take all the chances. Anyway, he went home late. Like, after 10PM late. But, I guess it's okay since it was Friday. Since his phone was dead, Irah gave her extra phone to him. Note that that phone had Irah's contacts.
Saturday was Meryll's debut. ML was supposedly one of the 18 roses. But he didn't show up. He didn't contact any of us. We thought he just didn't want to go, and we killed him in our imagination while worrying about his part in the program. I bet his phone received all the profanities in the world from us... well, if it was on.
When I got back in the dorm on Sunday, Irah came to my room to, idk, chit chat. And before she could ask where ML is, I told her he didn't come and that her boyfriend is such a diva. She went all weird and then, she told me his phone has been off since Friday night. We went panic mode.
Panic mode: Imagine those panic modes in movies when someone goes missing. We were srsly like that. Irah and I were acting like detectives, checking his Facebook, our Physics group updates... Last time he was online was Thursday. I killed my blockmates' phones asking if they've seen or heard of ML since Friday. One of my blockmates, JK, is ML's highschool batchmate. JK asked other highschool friends... and it got really out of hand... Our adviser, Dr. Esguerra found out... The college secretary's office found out... AND YET NO ML. :O
Everybody was actually worried about him. :O It's so amazing how someone so annoying is actually missed.
Anyway, he was confined, and wasn't able to re-charge his phone. I'm srsly glad his okay. Now, Irah can peacefully sleep... and I can stop asking everyone in the Physics list if they've got news about him.
ANOTHER POINT HERE. Something got stuck in my mind! When I went to the College Secretary to ask for ML's emergency contact details, blah blah blah, they will only give the number to his girlfriend. WHAT IF I WENT MISSING? Then, Marcgell still needs to go here in Diliman just to have my emergency contact details? What if in the 2 hours travel time I died?
Why are they called emergency contact details if the office is not allowed to give them during an emergency? Right? Right? ~.~ Labels: #update, %english, `life, `school
I'm not a big fan of AJ Perez. I know him by face and name. I follow his twitter. I know he's a Star Magic Talent. But when he died in an instant awhile ago, I really feel bad about everything. He's got his whole life ahead of him. He's definitely on his way to stardom. He wasn't even able to get to college. :( I just can't stop thinking of things he might have still wanted to do. Of the people he might have still wanted to meet. Of the dreams he might have still wanted to be real. I can't imagine how his family and friends feel. They've been with him for too little time. What about the promises he said he'll keep? What about the plans he made? What now? Where are they now? We can never really say when our time is coming.
RN, I don't know how serious it is, but ML is "kind of" missing. Maybe he's just running away (as in cutting all means of communication) from us, his friends, plus his girlfriend; or he's running away from home. Last time Irah saw him was Friday night. And he didn't go to Meryll's debut even though he was one of the 18 roses. We're all worrying about him now. We can't contact him, and we don't know any of his family's contacts. We srsly don't know where he is. We'll find out tomorrow. I hope and pray he goes to class.
It's just that, when these kinds of things happen, I want to actually hold each person I want to keep in my life. :| I don't want anyone running away from me for some odd reasons. And I certainly don't want anyone leaving me forever. Before these things happen, I'm going to warn you now not to leave me or I'll go nuts. And I just want to say, I love you, guys. Even if you hate me, or you're just stalking me, or you wandered here randomly: Please, keep yourselves safe and healthy, and never runaway from home.
-To my Mom and my Dad, I will never think of running away from home, from school, from responsibilities, and from challenges. I will be a better person. I love you! -To my sibs~ I love you all~ We don't fight that much anymore, and I'm happy about that. Let's be better friends every single day. I love you~! -To my friends, to those I consider as friends, and to those pure hearts that want to be friends with me: I am not an easy case to handle, and I want to say sorry for all the shit and drama I cause. I will be a better person. Please look after yourselves more, and be safe at all times. Don't go around unfamiliar places. -And, Marcgell, you're not allowed to die. Not now, and not soon. Please, please, be safe. And be a responsible adult... since I'm legal I can tell you that. But seriously, don't go drinking outside at the middle of the night. Don't do drugs. Don't smoke. Don't... you know... Don't do things that are prolly rumored great but are actually bad for you. :O Okay? Be safe. And don't cheat on me or I'll kill you. I love you!
I hope ML is okay. I hope he's just being a diva, trying to act cool and all. Well, when one person starts to worry (esp. when that person is Irah), everybody starts worrying. So, I soo hope he's okay. Let's all pray he's okay.
And let's pray for AJ Perez, for his family and friends who've lost a son, a brother, a friend... He will be missed. Be in peace in God's hands now, AJ. Labels: #cw, #update, %english, `death, `life
So, once upon a time, Meryll invited all her Physics friends to go to her debut. In her mind: prim and proper, ladies and gentlemen In our mind: WTF PARTEY~!
But guess what. I fvcking forgot. :O It's a good thing I sent a group text message to Physics people. Josh told me he had my invitation. I ask him when the party, and he was like, "uh, mamaya na?" O___O This by far is my worse failure as a friend. Still, I did my best to go there. :O
Laguna. Another plus: I can go see Marcgell before the party starts~ Ohoho~ I met up with him and his family at SM Calamba. They're the best of people. And his sibs are so *___* adorable (tho I bet nakakastress ang kakulitan)... I hope they'd grow up to be great kids. =3= The world needs more awesome people like me.
ANYWAY. I wasn't really tired of baby sitting. As long as I'm with Marcgell. And, yeah, won't delete that gay comment. :|
Well, the party. I'm not sure, but, it's the first debut I've been invited to, I think. I mean, not considering my mom's friends' daughters or such. And, it was quite an experience. The whole program was awesome. People telling her things about growing up and shit like that. When I turned 18, people told me I can do porn and get to jail. :| Why didn't anyone remind me how awesome I am? Oh, wait, I think because the whole world knows that. :D
Back to the party... Some people in the program didn't actually came. Soo, most of us got into weird places without even knowing it. And most of them aren't even legal, yet. :O Soo... weird.
Overall, it was nice being with my blockmates. I had a lot of awkward moments, but, yey~ I survived! :)
Happy 18th Birthday, Ms. Viernes! :)) Labels: #update, %english, `life, `school
First Day --- Just plain lazy.
@CS Lib - This amazingly cute flowchart of the enrollment process is posted. I say amazingly cute 'cause people actually had the time to cut out watermelon slices, clouds, sun, fish, shells, and all the gayness of summer. - Flowchart says Physics majors' pre-advising in CSRC
*le walk to CSRC = le walk to hell*
@CSRC Me: Ate, saan po 'yung sa pre-advising? Registration Assistant: Anong course? Me: Applied Physics po. RA: Applied Physics? Eh di sa NIP. RA: *look that says I'm stupid* - I am so pissed with her. Like, dude, I asked you nicely. AND, FUCK YOU, it was printed and posted in the CS Library that the pre-advising for Physics Majors is IN the CSRC. Just show me the fucking room, bitch. - ANYWAY, to avoid firing up on her, I turned back and went back to the dorm.
Second Day -- Just disoriented
*le walk from dorm to NIP = walk to the Sun*
@NIP Me: Saan po 'yung pre-advising? Guard: Pre-advising? Sa admin siguro. *le walk to admin office* Me: Dito po ba 'yung pre-advising? Person: Sa CSRC -- TENGENENG R.A. YUN. BOBO. Mas bobo naman akong naniwala.
*le walk to CSRC = hell*
@CSRC - luckily, iba na 'yung RA, she showed me where the pre-advising room is. -UNLUCKILY, wala pang advisers ang Physics. DANG.
*le walk back to NIP
@NIP - What I love about NIP is the temperature and the atmosphere. You feel relaxed. - My adviser's office just had to be on the third floor. Found him in a discussion with a student who, obviously, is working on his thesis. I love my adviser for having cute students. O__o
*walk back to CSRC, tanned*
@CSRC - I couldn't have my Form5 printed because I still have to go to Vinzons to get my STFAP Bracket verified.
*walk around CS Lib, AS, to Vinzons *realize afterwards that there's a way to Vinzons that's a quarter the length of what I just went through
@Vinzons - Easy. Got my bracket confirmed.
*because I am already heartbroken, tired, and hungry, I took an Ikot *drifted away, missed my stop, ended up in the dorm.
-shit happened, blah blah
*walk back to CSRC (Marian accompanied me, I didn't tell her, but I'm so happy I have her.)
@CSRC - passed my Form5A
*walk to CS Lib, Marian made libre, I love her *walk to CSRC, like hell. *took an Ikot to the cashier's office
@Cashier's Office - Second longest line (based on waiting time) I had. One hour and thirty minutes. :|
And then I'm enrolled. When I check CRS, my prof changed. Seems like the class I was in was put into Prof Palejo's. Which, I hope, would not turn out bad.
That, my friends, is enrollment for you. Oo, ganyan talaga kagulo. Kung gaano ka-confusing ang pagka-structure ng post na to, ganun din ka-confusing and enrollment. Labels: #life, %taglish, `school, suicidal
Going through the enrollment process sucks. I hate it. All of it. And it's 50 million times worse because I'm fucking alone.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but, I like flying solo. If you have too much attachments, it's too much work and drama. This is just what I feel atm. Take Marian, for example. She's got tons and tons of friends. She was so stressed out with enrollment 'cause she needed to wait on them to finish one step to go the next. See how time consuming that is? That's exactly what I hate. But, then... after all the shit, she was able to enroll, have lunch with friends, go play Rock Band, and rest like a queen. Me? Psh. No friends, no stress, and no fun at all.
It's not like I choose to be alone. I'm just really awkward. I'm weird. I did try to have friends. I ended up hating people. I don't want that anymore. Knowing each other is fine. Let's not go deeper, let's not hold on tighter. And, my blockmates became closer after this and that, and, yeah, I wasn't there.
I'm such a weird kid. People say I'm a people-person. But, no. I'm not. I do try to be okay with everyone. Yes, another problem with me. I try to be kind to everyone, which sometimes leads to trouble. I want to protect myself from any type of corruption. The lesser interaction, the lesser damage I get. ANW, back to me being a weird kid. Well, I just am. People either say I'm a bitch, or I'm a queen. Either way, their wrong. I'm just an awkward kid trying to fit in. I talk, I smile, I laugh... but I'm always in the receiving end. I don't share. I can't share. I'm scared of people.
Awhile ago, I saw two people from my corridor. I didn't notice them since I had my earphones on, and I don't do eye-contact. She approached me and said, "lagi ka kasing naka-earphones, kaya di mo marinig ang mundo." And I know what she meant. I never hear people call my name because I seem to block them out alltogether. But right there and then, I felt so empty. Like, I choose to live an empty life. I'm pushing everybody away after I've tried and tested our attitudes' compatibility.
I just... I don't want to make friends anymore. Because I hate losing them. Breaking up with a friend is lightyears more painful than breaking up with a boyfriend. I don't want to make anymore connections. I thought we will be friends forever. Unbreakable, invincible. What's worse is, we never even talked about our problems... My mind forever screams that your cruel, a bitch. Yet, I miss you. So much.
And, I fly solo. Atleast some thinks I'm cool. Labels: #cw, %english, `life, suicidal
You'll know a person based on the people he looks up to. And to have something to post once in a while, I'll be doing a "I look up to: [insert person's name here]" series. I warn you, I look up to a lot of artists, especially those in KPop. Le Kpop Fangirl here.
I'll prolly make random posts when something comes up, but, do expect these awesome people: 1. Lee Hyori 2. Sandara Park 3. Lee Seunghyun 4. Alexander Lee Eusebio 5. Kevin Wu <-- you think he's a KPop artist, no? :P 6. Daniel Armand Lee
and prolly other normal people you might have seen in the streets. Don't expect Willie Revillame or those kind of shit, tho.
Kbye. :D Labels: #cw, #list, %english, `fandom, `life
A Shuffle Survey (grabbed from Padre Salvi) 1. Shuffle your iPod/MP3 player/iTunes/Whatever else you have. 2. Answer the questions by the song title that comes up. 3. Don’t cheat, it makes everything more fun! [One] What is your life going to be like in five years? Song: Mr. Right by A Rocket to the Moon Comments: Naku. Mare-realize mo na ako nga talaga kelangan mo, for the nth time. Pero, hindi ikaw kelangan ko. :P
[Two] How is your love life going for you right now? Song: Wala Kang Katulad by Sponge Cola Comments: Ooh~ Baby~ :)) "Wala kang katulad... Wala na akong iba pang kailangan. Wala kang katulad..." :) [Three] What pisses you off the most about the opposite sex? Song: Power of Earth by Tegomass Comments: Them thinking they're all mighty, like they're the Power of the Earth, like they're what everyone needs and wants.
[Four] What do your parents really think of you? Song: Outro (In My World) by Seungri Comments: I'm better now, you can look at me. :)
[Five] What do you think about the world and its current state? Song: Brown Eyed Girl by Brown Eyed Soul Comments: Heartbreak. Heartache.
[Six] What is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? Song: You're my + by MBLAQ Comments: Being loved by someone too much... yet they leave you? :) Wow. Okay!
[Seven] What will your first/next time having sex be like? Song: Molla'ing by Maydoni Comments: Confusing! :P
[Eight] What is your main goal in life? Song: 夏への扉 (Natsu e no Tobira) by Tegomass Comments: TO GRADUATE WITHOUT FAILING. :O
[Nine] What do the boys at your school think of your looks? Song: Blue Sky by Hale Comments: "There's a blue sky waiting tomorrow..."?
[Ten] What do you really want in life? Song: Saturn by Sponge Cola Comments: "...But I'm afraid, I have to say bye now..." Sad love song, so, I just want real love?
[Eleven] How are you going to get far in life? Song: Magic by Seungri Comments: LOL. :)) Well, I'm so hot, and I feel like magic? People like that. :P
[Twelve] What do say when you’re in a bad mood? Song: Lost by Katy Perry Comments: "Have you ever been so lost? Know the way and still get lost?" Yes. Get's the mood down.
[Thirteen] What about when you are really happy? Song: BANG BANG BANG by U-KISS Comments: "I wanna rock~ I wanna rock~"
[Fourteen] What do think of yourself in general? Song: Only One Person by FT Island Comments: The girl you'll know you'd love. The only one you'll keep on waiting for. You'll pretend to like someone else, but, all the while, I'm still you're number one. BOW DOWN BEFORE ME. xD
[Fifteen] What is your life’s theme song? Song: Seishun Amigo by Shuji to Akira Comments: HUH? Being the badass of this neighborhood? O__o o.kay.
[Sixteen] What are you going to do this weekend? Song: Gemini by Sponge Cola Comments: Think about him. :O
[Seventeen] How can you try and make yourself happy? Song: Tennessee Line by Daughtry Comments: I'll just keep on driving...?
[Eighteen] What song will they play at your wedding? Song: U Smile by Justin Bieber Comments: "I'd wait on you forever and a day..." Okay lang. :) 'Cause whenever you smile, I smile... LOL. [Nineteen] What about your funeral? Song: Russian Roulette by Rihanna Comments: "And you can see my heart beating..."? LOL. FUNNY. "I'm terrified, but I'm not leaving."
[Twenty] What or who makes you the most happy? Song: Train by FT Island Comments: Being able to trust my life to someone who's ready to love me~ Next stop, happiness! :)
[Twenty One] What am I even doing on this Earth? Song: Perfume by Yamada Ryosuke Comments: Seduce everyone. :O
[Twenty Two] How am I going to die? Songs: Rolling U by MBLAQ Comments: I'll prolly get killed because of my confidence. OHYES. Because I believe you love me.
[Twenty Three] What is some good advice? Song: Love is Ouch by 2NE1 Comments: True.
[Twenty Four] & What’s some advice you’d never take? [July6,'08] Song: Lady Spider by NEWS Comments: Don't love me. You'll just get trapped in my web of lies. WHAT? O__o [Twenty Five] Will you ever have children? Song: Hallelujah by Chester See Comments: I guess?
[Twenty Six] What is high school like for you or what will it be like? Song: On The Floor by Sponge Cola Comments: Apakan na. :| Crush and burn...
[Twenty Seven] How are you feeling today? Song: Yawarakana mama de by NEWS Comments: Thinking of how we laughed, they're still so fresh in my mind, like it was yesterday... :O Even if they're gone, it'll keep on ringing inside the chambers of my heart.
[Twenty Eight] What’s your general outlook on life? Song: Mworago (What's This?) by U-KISS Comments: Question everything.
[Twenty Nine] What are your last words going to be? Song: VVIP by Seungri Comments: "Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing~" [Thirty] What song is going to be stuck in your head all day? Song: Kushami by Tegomass Comments: Oh, Love, Love, Love... I wanna see you. :O Labels: #cw, #list, %taglish, `fandom
I've got 12 days free between the end of 2nd Sem and Summer Classes. April 8 is the 9th day. Three more days before work.
I've been working on review materials for the kids. Oh, if you don't know, I have a high paying summer job. I'm going to do lectures with my elementary class' valedictorian, Sam. So, I'm dying. Since I got 99 on my Science in UPCAT fuckitIonlygot90onmath, I'm teaching them Science Subjects (General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics). And since my Language is higher than Sam's, I'm also teaching Language. :| IDK how I'll teach them those in 4 days, but, yeah. We can do this.
I wanted to update my profile here in my blog. But, call me a narcissist, I love how I wrote that about myself, so, maybe a few more weeks there. :) I'll update on my blog's 4th anniversary.
Yes, Suicidal Foot is turning 4! You can basically read my life off of this thing. I'm celebrating my blog's anniversary based on my first post. I made this blog a few weeks or months before it, I think. But, I can't be sure. I might be hallucinating.
I can't fix the codes since there's just nothing wrong with it. The bug is with blogger itself, I think. :O
I've been eating. I'm getting fat. Well, I'm pretty sure not as fat as you are. :P
Kill this arrogant bitch, please.
:( How many people stopped following me? 2 months ago my number of followers sky rocket-ed (is there a word?), and now they just stop following me. Did they get bored? It's not what they expected it to be? I feel so ordinary with lesser people stalking me, and Marcgell's no longer counted since he is my boyfriend.
That is all. Kbye. Labels: #update, %english
The best way to get rid of things in your mind is to talk about it. I wonder if it can also get rid of people..?
Anyway, I remember liking this guy from the Pep Squad. He's all that - smart, handsome, famous, talented... and a total flirt. If he's reading my blog right now... Oops. :) Sorry!
I was soo into him that I created this imaginary relationship between us. I thought we were an item. :) And, I'm not being bitter. I find myself really silly. I'm cool with that. We all have those times, and I've accepted it, and I'm over it. :)
I had a celebrity crush on him. It was... Him: Gusto mo date tayo? Ako: Okay lang :D (thinking SYEMPRE!!!) Him: Kelan mo gusto? Ako: Ikaw bahala. :)) (thinking KAHIT KELAN PA YAN.)
We had that conversation before. So, don't blame me if I thought he srsly liked me. After two months, he's got a girlfriend. SO GWAPO, right? Psh. So, he ditched me completely. He stopped hanging out where we used to see each other. He avoided me. He stopped talking to me. LIKE, hello? Dude, do you know how many guys bow down before me? So, yeah, I got over him fast. (No, I lie. I sulked for 2 weeks) He's just one of the million famous guys in the world. There are millions of guys better than him.
And, last night, he was doing his "thing" again. At first I was being friendly (since we were really just friends before I got confused), but after two or three more exchanges, I told him to think of his girlfriend. GUESS WHAT. He no longer has a girlfriend. Too bad, kid. :/
So, now, its... Him: Date tayo? Ako: Okay lang... (thinking Not really...) Him: Kelan? Ako: Kung kelan ako free... Him: Huh? Bakit? Ako: Busy kasi ako eh. :) TRAPPED! x))
I hope guys everyone learns to face consequences. :) Labels: #cw, %taglish, `life
I'm all for originality. I'm not saying do and say things that are new. I'm saying do and say and feel what is really you. I'm all for speaking up. I'm all for showing the world who you are. Tell them what you wanna say. Say it loud and proud. Be a part of this world..? Be heard, be known… Go online and update your Facebook status, Tweet, Plurk, Blog! I am all for teenage-drama-meets-technology thing that's happening these days.
BUT I USED TO HATE TUMBLR. You know why? Because people re-post. What does that mean, right? Why would you re-cycle someone else's post? How is that original? So, when I made my blog I barely used it. Yes, I reposted like 2 or 3 entries, because they were worth sharing...
AND THEN CAME THE DAY I REPOSTED FORREALS. People make these JPEG files with words on because it's hard to say what you really want to say. I mean, srsly, it's hard to explain things and when you come across a picture with what's on your mind, you repost it. Genius. You don't know how to say what you wanna say, you go around looking for pictures with a few words on them and repost them. And I remember one picture, with a conversation:
"I hope I can read your mind."
"Read my tumblr instead."
Or something like that.
So, yeah, great job to whoever thought of this!
Labels: #cw, %english, `life
I'm browsing my blogs and came across this wonderful entry: 16 Reasons Why I Love Okamoto Keito. BELATED HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY TO MY EX-BOYFRIEND, KEITO. xD LOL.
And I'm such a great writer, a great fan, a great person. :)) Yes, World, bow down before me. BWAHAHAHAHA.
But, srsly, guys. :) If this wasn't me, I'd call it cute. HAHA. :D
BTW, Serville James, I'm finally 'fessing up, there were times I loved Keito more than you. :O //awkward. :| Labels: #update, %english, `fandom
When was the last time I cried over a music video? Do you guys know? I think I'll look for it in one of my blogs...
But, anyway, here's U-KISS with 0330. You should watch the video first before reading the rest of the entry.
The video starts and I'm like, "I'll die to be that girl." Dongho is so cute. And that pout. =3= (Okay, Marcgell, this is the awkward part when you have to learn that I got that pout from Dongho. Eesh.) Confusion...then Eli's angry... and then I'm crying... And... T__T This is the only MV that I didn't rewatch right away. BECAUSE IT'S F***ING SAAAAAD. I can't believe I said I'll die to be that girl? T__T And WTH. It's so sad. And I'm over-reacting again and again.
[edit] So, okay, here's the drama version of 0330. Go watch it if you're more confused than sad. :O Anyway, here's the story. Dongho met this girl, who then becomes his girlfriend. They're all cute and lovely... And for some weird reasons, she disappears. Out of all the pain in the world, Dongho still thinks she's there, and that she's with him... And his friends just can't take it anymore, so they tell him to stop it. And that's that. :O Labels: #update, %english, `fandom, `me
Well, no, IDK. :O HAHA. But, IDK, all my girl friends read. And here's a PDF file of the list of every book I have in mind. If you read THE LIST, you'll get to know me 500 times more. I swear.
Oh, and I'm home BTW. I love unlimited access to TV, fridge, iced tea, bed, and cats. :O Haha~ :))
That is all. :) Labels: #update, %english, `me
Aside from the blurry memory of my monobrow dream, I finally started remembering my dreams again. I am finally normal, in Wendisense.
It was Wednesday morning when I first remembered an awkward dream. Yes, I fell asleep at 3 or 4 AM on Wednesday. I'm not going to say those dramatic cliché. "I was lost in thought... I couldn't sleep, worrying about... Staying awake was too painful but sleep isn't any better..."
But, actually, I really was lost in thought. And I couldn't sleep because I was worrying about something. Staying awake, yes, was frustrating, because I had class at 10 AM. Sleep, however, can't seem to agree with me.
So, an excerpt of the dream, which I wrote in my journal for the meantime because I didn't have internet...
...We then came across a tiange, displaying various headbands. We stopped over to look. An old man standing beside the display took a headband. He said it'll look good in me. He put it in my head. "What do you think?" I was actually freaking out already. But I answered, "yes, I think it's cute." The old man suddenly stepped closer to us and asked me to come with him. Now, I was freaked out...
...And then I remember us running. It didn't feel like we were running away from the man, tho. I dunno why, but we were running… And, now that I think of it, the girl with us was Ia. But when we were running, she wasn't there anymore...
And I can't share the whole dream because, now that I think of it, it is inappropriate on some levels. I'm glad I didn't have internet. Anyway... Please correct my grammar. LOL.
And, yeah, I had other dreams that aren't really exciting, so, whatever... Labels: #cw, #update, %english, `life, `me
Sa mga nagbabasa ng blog ko dyan, are you stalking me? Well, IDK and IDRC, so, hello thar! Why don't you leave me anything in my chatbox? Anyway, are you still bored? D'you want me to suggest things you can do? :D :D :D
Well, aside from thinking of happy thoughts and flying to Neverland... I believe you should do cartwheels! That's right, do cartwheels! What, you don't know how? Well, haha! I don't either! That's why you should give it a try! :D It'll be good for your health. Exercise! If you fall and break you arm tho, go to the doctor! :D Isn't that fun?
Next, if you're retarded, try! I was retarded once, too, don't worry. :) My username was uni_cell, and I still find it cute. Badass username, hellyeah.
If you're not amused, well then, why not make your own blog! Write and share stuff. Make stories. Please, please give me a link so I have something to read, too. I get bored, too. I don't have blogger friends. :(
You want to do something that can relive your childhood? Hmmn. Don't just watch old Disney movies... READ THEIR SCRIPTS HERE. It'll be better than watching the movies. If you're a real fan, you'll know how the scenes played out. So, go ahead and kill yourself with scripts! :D
But, srsly, guys. IDK why you read my blog, IDK if you're just bored, but, thanks anyway. Atleast someone reads what I write in here. When the day comes that I get paid for every click, I hope you would still visit my blog. (Then I'd be rich. RICH. RIIICH~!)
Please don't judge me too much. No, I'm not just a girl with a blog. I'm a girl with a lot of imagination and IDK how to put 'em into good use, so, yeah, I blog. I like making things look a bit more fun, or a bit more serious... But things, aren't always what they seem, okay? IDK what I'm saying all of a sudden. LOL.
SHOUT OUT TO: Physics Friends!!! Pisay IRC People, esp. eMeMeX!!! Kalay Friends!!! HIMIG KALAY! to my random internet friends... :D And to Marcgell's orgmates. ;) heyeah~ IVANA JOYCE! :) HANNA THEA~! :D Jayjay! xD Marcgell! and to whoever is reading this. :) I bet you're a fan.
//stab me with a fork, wilyah? Labels: #update, %english
I don't intend to be deep, but, I really want to understand how the universe works. The list of the things I want to know keeps growing longer and longer. Being smart isn't my goal. My goal is to be wise. I want to be able to determine what's right and what's not in instant. I want to be able to make my decisions right.
There are times that I get a little too confident about how I look. Well, if I was someone else, I'd date myself, me being either a guy or a girl. And, tens of guys know they'd kill to date me.
Oh, I love exagerating for added effects. That's how I am being a writer. I would type extra letters for emphasis, like, yeeaaah~! And I spell seriously as s-r-s-l-y, really as r-l-y, and...
I have a limited dictionary of profanities, so I use all the words all the fucking time. Well, no, not rly.
I love contradicting myself. It's fun. Uh, no.
I compliment myself when nobody does. And when my friends won't, and I hate on them.
I love reading. I read menus. I read Math Books. I read UP-CAT and SAT reviewers. I love novels. I love Sandra Brown and her thrillers. I'm into violence. I love the Harry Potter Series. I love children's books.
I'm a Disney kid. I grew up wanting to be like one of the princesses. It's unfair that those girls in their classic movies always, always gets married early. And, yeah, I love them and I hate them all at once.
I listen to different types of music. I love KPop. I can spend all day talking about KPop. I've never tried that before, but, I will accept challenges.
I hate being sick. So, I jog to assure myself that I'm healthy.
I'm tiny. No. I'm sexy. No, wait... I'm pettite. WELL, atleast my hands and feet are proportional to my size. Unlike others who have gargantuan feet but lack in height, or microhands but are giants.
I am mean. I make fun of others a lot. And I make fun of myself alot, too. :O
I eat when I'm bored. I'm not always hungry, I just love to eat. :O I guess my mouth just needs to move, since I don't talk too much... since I don't have anyone to talk to... since I don't have much friends... because I'm so annoying... because I'm too good to be friends with anyone... since I'm always typing, just sitting around.
[A/N: Why am I so celf-centered? I WANNA KNOW. :O ]
Labels: #cw, %english, `me
My first I Look Up To post is two weeks overdue. The research process is just eating me all up. I have to cut the post short now. :O
And on a random note. kmjn sfvkjbgkjbrejbke. MINHWAN DOING RAINISM. Yes, it's messy. Sorry he's not a dancer. He's just a drummer/singer/rapper anyway.
I keep doing microposts. Sweet. :)
[edit] OMG. He plays the piano BTW. ijbveijbvbjerakjbkjnb. Whyyyyy. Sooo adorable. TT__TT Labels: #update, %english, `me
I need to make a post before the actual date of the anniversary. I've been thinking about my "About Me" box, and, heck, why don't I make a whole post for that? Because I'm a narcissist that way.
Anyway, for the past blog year, I've been quite annoying. Yes, I admit that. I'm going through my entries, pretending to be someone who haven't seen them before and I really, really find me annoying.
I remember a Twitter update that's definitely right for me. "I'm fluent in three languages: English, Sarcasm, and Profanity."
April 2009-April 2010, I forgot how to be sarcastic. Well, maybe not that I forgot how to be sarcastic, I just learned how to be honest, and how to be considerate about my opinions and other's (others'?). But then came 2010, which I knew from way back would not be my year. And yes, I did a lot of mo-fu-ing entries about hope and loneliness, stupidity, and all that shit. I wrote about people, which was mean of me. And I keep on swearing. Though I already did say that I can say "hell" and "fuck" in just one sentence, I became a little bit more barbaric, ghetto.
And so, I am not exactly your type of awesome, am I? I'm just a teenager. I am a sorry excuse for an adult. I have a bad case of over confidence that comes out at wrong times and places. I cuss.
But I'm not all bad, am I? :/ I don't know. It's just hard to think of the good things I've done. It's like sorting out clothes. It's easier to say a shirt has a print, than be entirely sure it doesn't. So, yeah, I'm not entirely sure about the things I've done right.
I did a good job choosing UP, that's one. I've made some friends. I've accepted the fact that I love Marcgell....
It's srsly hard to think of the good stuff. I think of one, and I get, like, ten failures with it. It's so frustrating. I know I've worked hard to stay out of trouble. I really want to be a good student. But, I'm just the way I am. I have flaws. Hell, I have lots of them!
Looking back, I've made lots of good entries that prolly annoy people who wish were as great as I am. Because I'm cocky, and rough, and a narcissist, and I can get away with it. HA! Beat that!
But, srsly, guys (if I still have readers, since last I checked there were just three, I think...) I really didn't have much this blog year. Yes, I am prolly most active now. Which only shows I don't have a life. :| So, wish me luck. And I wish every single person out there, especially you, to have the best you deserve! :) Let's all be positive about life and go out there and look for our dreams~
Ooh~ dramatic shit~ Labels: #cw, %english, `life, `me
1. I used to blog freely. I never really expected anyone (aside from my Mom and Lei) to read this piece of sh--. I used to write all my thoughts and feelings. But now, it seems that I wait. I wait for things to get better. I wait for things to be worse. I wait for the time it no longer matters. I'm not entirely sure if it's a good thing for my reputation, since I think before I blog. But it's not too well for my emotional health. Memories keep coming back, thoughts keep clouding my mind.
2. Memories keep coming back. Well, no, not really. Just when people remind me. Or things remind me. The phrase in Park Bom's song, "please, don't cry," just reminds me of Vil. Well, I was soo into the MV, like, T__T whysosaaad?? And then I was singing along while browsing my dashboard in Tumblr... [insert gibberish here because idk Korean ] It's okay, baby, please, don't cry ~ And then it hit me. I saw a picture of chocomint cakes or smth, and there and then, it came back to me: How Nikka thought I meant "Vil and I" when I really just meant "Mint and Chocolate". He told me that while letting me go, "don't cry." And how he told me not to cry when, obviously, I would cry my eyes out... Unbelievable.
3. Why are all these great songs so heartbreaking? 0330 by U-KISS, Dongho pretending she's still there... Big Bang's Love Song & Stupid Liar, being left behind & being cheated on... Daesung's Baby, Don't Cry... It's just rubbing in on me. It makes me wanna cry all the time. It makes me feel like, maybe, something's wrong and I just keep asking myself What if he leaves me? What if he cheats on me? T__T Soo frustrating. I can't even go to sleep peacefully.
4. Dreams. I don't remember my dreams lately. All I can remember from the last one was the fact that I had a unibrow. I should pluck my eyebrows. :|
5. My head hurts. I'll sleep. Labels: #life, #list, #update, %english, `life, `me
Because you'll never know when you'll die. You don't want your last words to be lies, do you? Labels: #cw, %english, `life
So, ML's fine. After everybody's frenzied worrying and shiz, he's fine. At normal rates of life, I would be really pissed at him. But, life isn't normal, anymore. So, what happened with ML? Wait, do you guys know him? → ML, is Irah's boyfriend. He's my Physics mate. He's an asshole. But, to Irah, ML is the whole wide cotton candy universe.
Before ML went missing, he was with Irah. Well, don't ask why, that's just how it is if you've got means to be together, you'll take all the chances. Anyway, he went home late. Like, after 10PM late. But, I guess it's okay since it was Friday. Since his phone was dead, Irah gave her extra phone to him. Note that that phone had Irah's contacts.
Saturday was Meryll's debut. ML was supposedly one of the 18 roses. But he didn't show up. He didn't contact any of us. We thought he just didn't want to go, and we killed him in our imagination while worrying about his part in the program. I bet his phone received all the profanities in the world from us... well, if it was on.
When I got back in the dorm on Sunday, Irah came to my room to, idk, chit chat. And before she could ask where ML is, I told her he didn't come and that her boyfriend is such a diva. She went all weird and then, she told me his phone has been off since Friday night. We went panic mode.
Panic mode: Imagine those panic modes in movies when someone goes missing. We were srsly like that. Irah and I were acting like detectives, checking his Facebook, our Physics group updates... Last time he was online was Thursday. I killed my blockmates' phones asking if they've seen or heard of ML since Friday. One of my blockmates, JK, is ML's highschool batchmate. JK asked other highschool friends... and it got really out of hand... Our adviser, Dr. Esguerra found out... The college secretary's office found out... AND YET NO ML. :O
Everybody was actually worried about him. :O It's so amazing how someone so annoying is actually missed.
Anyway, he was confined, and wasn't able to re-charge his phone. I'm srsly glad his okay. Now, Irah can peacefully sleep... and I can stop asking everyone in the Physics list if they've got news about him.
ANOTHER POINT HERE. Something got stuck in my mind! When I went to the College Secretary to ask for ML's emergency contact details, blah blah blah, they will only give the number to his girlfriend. WHAT IF I WENT MISSING? Then, Marcgell still needs to go here in Diliman just to have my emergency contact details? What if in the 2 hours travel time I died?
Why are they called emergency contact details if the office is not allowed to give them during an emergency? Right? Right? ~.~ Labels: #update, %english, `life, `school
I'm not a big fan of AJ Perez. I know him by face and name. I follow his twitter. I know he's a Star Magic Talent. But when he died in an instant awhile ago, I really feel bad about everything. He's got his whole life ahead of him. He's definitely on his way to stardom. He wasn't even able to get to college. :( I just can't stop thinking of things he might have still wanted to do. Of the people he might have still wanted to meet. Of the dreams he might have still wanted to be real. I can't imagine how his family and friends feel. They've been with him for too little time. What about the promises he said he'll keep? What about the plans he made? What now? Where are they now? We can never really say when our time is coming.
RN, I don't know how serious it is, but ML is "kind of" missing. Maybe he's just running away (as in cutting all means of communication) from us, his friends, plus his girlfriend; or he's running away from home. Last time Irah saw him was Friday night. And he didn't go to Meryll's debut even though he was one of the 18 roses. We're all worrying about him now. We can't contact him, and we don't know any of his family's contacts. We srsly don't know where he is. We'll find out tomorrow. I hope and pray he goes to class.
It's just that, when these kinds of things happen, I want to actually hold each person I want to keep in my life. :| I don't want anyone running away from me for some odd reasons. And I certainly don't want anyone leaving me forever. Before these things happen, I'm going to warn you now not to leave me or I'll go nuts. And I just want to say, I love you, guys. Even if you hate me, or you're just stalking me, or you wandered here randomly: Please, keep yourselves safe and healthy, and never runaway from home.
-To my Mom and my Dad, I will never think of running away from home, from school, from responsibilities, and from challenges. I will be a better person. I love you! -To my sibs~ I love you all~ We don't fight that much anymore, and I'm happy about that. Let's be better friends every single day. I love you~! -To my friends, to those I consider as friends, and to those pure hearts that want to be friends with me: I am not an easy case to handle, and I want to say sorry for all the shit and drama I cause. I will be a better person. Please look after yourselves more, and be safe at all times. Don't go around unfamiliar places. -And, Marcgell, you're not allowed to die. Not now, and not soon. Please, please, be safe. And be a responsible adult... since I'm legal I can tell you that. But seriously, don't go drinking outside at the middle of the night. Don't do drugs. Don't smoke. Don't... you know... Don't do things that are prolly rumored great but are actually bad for you. :O Okay? Be safe. And don't cheat on me or I'll kill you. I love you!
I hope ML is okay. I hope he's just being a diva, trying to act cool and all. Well, when one person starts to worry (esp. when that person is Irah), everybody starts worrying. So, I soo hope he's okay. Let's all pray he's okay.
And let's pray for AJ Perez, for his family and friends who've lost a son, a brother, a friend... He will be missed. Be in peace in God's hands now, AJ. Labels: #cw, #update, %english, `death, `life
So, once upon a time, Meryll invited all her Physics friends to go to her debut. In her mind: prim and proper, ladies and gentlemen In our mind: WTF PARTEY~!
But guess what. I fvcking forgot. :O It's a good thing I sent a group text message to Physics people. Josh told me he had my invitation. I ask him when the party, and he was like, "uh, mamaya na?" O___O This by far is my worse failure as a friend. Still, I did my best to go there. :O
Laguna. Another plus: I can go see Marcgell before the party starts~ Ohoho~ I met up with him and his family at SM Calamba. They're the best of people. And his sibs are so *___* adorable (tho I bet nakakastress ang kakulitan)... I hope they'd grow up to be great kids. =3= The world needs more awesome people like me.
ANYWAY. I wasn't really tired of baby sitting. As long as I'm with Marcgell. And, yeah, won't delete that gay comment. :|
Well, the party. I'm not sure, but, it's the first debut I've been invited to, I think. I mean, not considering my mom's friends' daughters or such. And, it was quite an experience. The whole program was awesome. People telling her things about growing up and shit like that. When I turned 18, people told me I can do porn and get to jail. :| Why didn't anyone remind me how awesome I am? Oh, wait, I think because the whole world knows that. :D
Back to the party... Some people in the program didn't actually came. Soo, most of us got into weird places without even knowing it. And most of them aren't even legal, yet. :O Soo... weird.
Overall, it was nice being with my blockmates. I had a lot of awkward moments, but, yey~ I survived! :)
Happy 18th Birthday, Ms. Viernes! :)) Labels: #update, %english, `life, `school
First Day --- Just plain lazy.
@CS Lib - This amazingly cute flowchart of the enrollment process is posted. I say amazingly cute 'cause people actually had the time to cut out watermelon slices, clouds, sun, fish, shells, and all the gayness of summer. - Flowchart says Physics majors' pre-advising in CSRC
*le walk to CSRC = le walk to hell*
@CSRC Me: Ate, saan po 'yung sa pre-advising? Registration Assistant: Anong course? Me: Applied Physics po. RA: Applied Physics? Eh di sa NIP. RA: *look that says I'm stupid* - I am so pissed with her. Like, dude, I asked you nicely. AND, FUCK YOU, it was printed and posted in the CS Library that the pre-advising for Physics Majors is IN the CSRC. Just show me the fucking room, bitch. - ANYWAY, to avoid firing up on her, I turned back and went back to the dorm.
Second Day -- Just disoriented
*le walk from dorm to NIP = walk to the Sun*
@NIP Me: Saan po 'yung pre-advising? Guard: Pre-advising? Sa admin siguro. *le walk to admin office* Me: Dito po ba 'yung pre-advising? Person: Sa CSRC -- TENGENENG R.A. YUN. BOBO. Mas bobo naman akong naniwala.
*le walk to CSRC = hell*
@CSRC - luckily, iba na 'yung RA, she showed me where the pre-advising room is. -UNLUCKILY, wala pang advisers ang Physics. DANG.
*le walk back to NIP
@NIP - What I love about NIP is the temperature and the atmosphere. You feel relaxed. - My adviser's office just had to be on the third floor. Found him in a discussion with a student who, obviously, is working on his thesis. I love my adviser for having cute students. O__o
*walk back to CSRC, tanned*
@CSRC - I couldn't have my Form5 printed because I still have to go to Vinzons to get my STFAP Bracket verified.
*walk around CS Lib, AS, to Vinzons *realize afterwards that there's a way to Vinzons that's a quarter the length of what I just went through
@Vinzons - Easy. Got my bracket confirmed.
*because I am already heartbroken, tired, and hungry, I took an Ikot *drifted away, missed my stop, ended up in the dorm.
-shit happened, blah blah
*walk back to CSRC (Marian accompanied me, I didn't tell her, but I'm so happy I have her.)
@CSRC - passed my Form5A
*walk to CS Lib, Marian made libre, I love her *walk to CSRC, like hell. *took an Ikot to the cashier's office
@Cashier's Office - Second longest line (based on waiting time) I had. One hour and thirty minutes. :|
And then I'm enrolled. When I check CRS, my prof changed. Seems like the class I was in was put into Prof Palejo's. Which, I hope, would not turn out bad.
That, my friends, is enrollment for you. Oo, ganyan talaga kagulo. Kung gaano ka-confusing ang pagka-structure ng post na to, ganun din ka-confusing and enrollment. Labels: #life, %taglish, `school, suicidal
Going through the enrollment process sucks. I hate it. All of it. And it's 50 million times worse because I'm fucking alone.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but, I like flying solo. If you have too much attachments, it's too much work and drama. This is just what I feel atm. Take Marian, for example. She's got tons and tons of friends. She was so stressed out with enrollment 'cause she needed to wait on them to finish one step to go the next. See how time consuming that is? That's exactly what I hate. But, then... after all the shit, she was able to enroll, have lunch with friends, go play Rock Band, and rest like a queen. Me? Psh. No friends, no stress, and no fun at all.
It's not like I choose to be alone. I'm just really awkward. I'm weird. I did try to have friends. I ended up hating people. I don't want that anymore. Knowing each other is fine. Let's not go deeper, let's not hold on tighter. And, my blockmates became closer after this and that, and, yeah, I wasn't there.
I'm such a weird kid. People say I'm a people-person. But, no. I'm not. I do try to be okay with everyone. Yes, another problem with me. I try to be kind to everyone, which sometimes leads to trouble. I want to protect myself from any type of corruption. The lesser interaction, the lesser damage I get. ANW, back to me being a weird kid. Well, I just am. People either say I'm a bitch, or I'm a queen. Either way, their wrong. I'm just an awkward kid trying to fit in. I talk, I smile, I laugh... but I'm always in the receiving end. I don't share. I can't share. I'm scared of people.
Awhile ago, I saw two people from my corridor. I didn't notice them since I had my earphones on, and I don't do eye-contact. She approached me and said, "lagi ka kasing naka-earphones, kaya di mo marinig ang mundo." And I know what she meant. I never hear people call my name because I seem to block them out alltogether. But right there and then, I felt so empty. Like, I choose to live an empty life. I'm pushing everybody away after I've tried and tested our attitudes' compatibility.
I just... I don't want to make friends anymore. Because I hate losing them. Breaking up with a friend is lightyears more painful than breaking up with a boyfriend. I don't want to make anymore connections. I thought we will be friends forever. Unbreakable, invincible. What's worse is, we never even talked about our problems... My mind forever screams that your cruel, a bitch. Yet, I miss you. So much.
And, I fly solo. Atleast some thinks I'm cool. Labels: #cw, %english, `life, suicidal
You'll know a person based on the people he looks up to. And to have something to post once in a while, I'll be doing a "I look up to: [insert person's name here]" series. I warn you, I look up to a lot of artists, especially those in KPop. Le Kpop Fangirl here.
I'll prolly make random posts when something comes up, but, do expect these awesome people: 1. Lee Hyori 2. Sandara Park 3. Lee Seunghyun 4. Alexander Lee Eusebio 5. Kevin Wu <-- you think he's a KPop artist, no? :P 6. Daniel Armand Lee
and prolly other normal people you might have seen in the streets. Don't expect Willie Revillame or those kind of shit, tho.
Kbye. :D Labels: #cw, #list, %english, `fandom, `life
A Shuffle Survey (grabbed from Padre Salvi) 1. Shuffle your iPod/MP3 player/iTunes/Whatever else you have. 2. Answer the questions by the song title that comes up. 3. Don’t cheat, it makes everything more fun! [One] What is your life going to be like in five years? Song: Mr. Right by A Rocket to the Moon Comments: Naku. Mare-realize mo na ako nga talaga kelangan mo, for the nth time. Pero, hindi ikaw kelangan ko. :P
[Two] How is your love life going for you right now? Song: Wala Kang Katulad by Sponge Cola Comments: Ooh~ Baby~ :)) "Wala kang katulad... Wala na akong iba pang kailangan. Wala kang katulad..." :) [Three] What pisses you off the most about the opposite sex? Song: Power of Earth by Tegomass Comments: Them thinking they're all mighty, like they're the Power of the Earth, like they're what everyone needs and wants.
[Four] What do your parents really think of you? Song: Outro (In My World) by Seungri Comments: I'm better now, you can look at me. :)
[Five] What do you think about the world and its current state? Song: Brown Eyed Girl by Brown Eyed Soul Comments: Heartbreak. Heartache.
[Six] What is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? Song: You're my + by MBLAQ Comments: Being loved by someone too much... yet they leave you? :) Wow. Okay!
[Seven] What will your first/next time having sex be like? Song: Molla'ing by Maydoni Comments: Confusing! :P
[Eight] What is your main goal in life? Song: 夏への扉 (Natsu e no Tobira) by Tegomass Comments: TO GRADUATE WITHOUT FAILING. :O
[Nine] What do the boys at your school think of your looks? Song: Blue Sky by Hale Comments: "There's a blue sky waiting tomorrow..."?
[Ten] What do you really want in life? Song: Saturn by Sponge Cola Comments: "...But I'm afraid, I have to say bye now..." Sad love song, so, I just want real love?
[Eleven] How are you going to get far in life? Song: Magic by Seungri Comments: LOL. :)) Well, I'm so hot, and I feel like magic? People like that. :P
[Twelve] What do say when you’re in a bad mood? Song: Lost by Katy Perry Comments: "Have you ever been so lost? Know the way and still get lost?" Yes. Get's the mood down.
[Thirteen] What about when you are really happy? Song: BANG BANG BANG by U-KISS Comments: "I wanna rock~ I wanna rock~"
[Fourteen] What do think of yourself in general? Song: Only One Person by FT Island Comments: The girl you'll know you'd love. The only one you'll keep on waiting for. You'll pretend to like someone else, but, all the while, I'm still you're number one. BOW DOWN BEFORE ME. xD
[Fifteen] What is your life’s theme song? Song: Seishun Amigo by Shuji to Akira Comments: HUH? Being the badass of this neighborhood? O__o o.kay.
[Sixteen] What are you going to do this weekend? Song: Gemini by Sponge Cola Comments: Think about him. :O
[Seventeen] How can you try and make yourself happy? Song: Tennessee Line by Daughtry Comments: I'll just keep on driving...?
[Eighteen] What song will they play at your wedding? Song: U Smile by Justin Bieber Comments: "I'd wait on you forever and a day..." Okay lang. :) 'Cause whenever you smile, I smile... LOL. [Nineteen] What about your funeral? Song: Russian Roulette by Rihanna Comments: "And you can see my heart beating..."? LOL. FUNNY. "I'm terrified, but I'm not leaving."
[Twenty] What or who makes you the most happy? Song: Train by FT Island Comments: Being able to trust my life to someone who's ready to love me~ Next stop, happiness! :)
[Twenty One] What am I even doing on this Earth? Song: Perfume by Yamada Ryosuke Comments: Seduce everyone. :O
[Twenty Two] How am I going to die? Songs: Rolling U by MBLAQ Comments: I'll prolly get killed because of my confidence. OHYES. Because I believe you love me.
[Twenty Three] What is some good advice? Song: Love is Ouch by 2NE1 Comments: True.
[Twenty Four] & What’s some advice you’d never take? [July6,'08] Song: Lady Spider by NEWS Comments: Don't love me. You'll just get trapped in my web of lies. WHAT? O__o [Twenty Five] Will you ever have children? Song: Hallelujah by Chester See Comments: I guess?
[Twenty Six] What is high school like for you or what will it be like? Song: On The Floor by Sponge Cola Comments: Apakan na. :| Crush and burn...
[Twenty Seven] How are you feeling today? Song: Yawarakana mama de by NEWS Comments: Thinking of how we laughed, they're still so fresh in my mind, like it was yesterday... :O Even if they're gone, it'll keep on ringing inside the chambers of my heart.
[Twenty Eight] What’s your general outlook on life? Song: Mworago (What's This?) by U-KISS Comments: Question everything.
[Twenty Nine] What are your last words going to be? Song: VVIP by Seungri Comments: "Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing~" [Thirty] What song is going to be stuck in your head all day? Song: Kushami by Tegomass Comments: Oh, Love, Love, Love... I wanna see you. :O Labels: #cw, #list, %taglish, `fandom
I've got 12 days free between the end of 2nd Sem and Summer Classes. April 8 is the 9th day. Three more days before work.
I've been working on review materials for the kids. Oh, if you don't know, I have a high paying summer job. I'm going to do lectures with my elementary class' valedictorian, Sam. So, I'm dying. Since I got 99 on my Science in UPCAT fuckitIonlygot90onmath, I'm teaching them Science Subjects (General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics). And since my Language is higher than Sam's, I'm also teaching Language. :| IDK how I'll teach them those in 4 days, but, yeah. We can do this.
I wanted to update my profile here in my blog. But, call me a narcissist, I love how I wrote that about myself, so, maybe a few more weeks there. :) I'll update on my blog's 4th anniversary.
Yes, Suicidal Foot is turning 4! You can basically read my life off of this thing. I'm celebrating my blog's anniversary based on my first post. I made this blog a few weeks or months before it, I think. But, I can't be sure. I might be hallucinating.
I can't fix the codes since there's just nothing wrong with it. The bug is with blogger itself, I think. :O
I've been eating. I'm getting fat. Well, I'm pretty sure not as fat as you are. :P
Kill this arrogant bitch, please.
:( How many people stopped following me? 2 months ago my number of followers sky rocket-ed (is there a word?), and now they just stop following me. Did they get bored? It's not what they expected it to be? I feel so ordinary with lesser people stalking me, and Marcgell's no longer counted since he is my boyfriend.
That is all. Kbye. Labels: #update, %english
The best way to get rid of things in your mind is to talk about it. I wonder if it can also get rid of people..?
Anyway, I remember liking this guy from the Pep Squad. He's all that - smart, handsome, famous, talented... and a total flirt. If he's reading my blog right now... Oops. :) Sorry!
I was soo into him that I created this imaginary relationship between us. I thought we were an item. :) And, I'm not being bitter. I find myself really silly. I'm cool with that. We all have those times, and I've accepted it, and I'm over it. :)
I had a celebrity crush on him. It was... Him: Gusto mo date tayo? Ako: Okay lang :D (thinking SYEMPRE!!!) Him: Kelan mo gusto? Ako: Ikaw bahala. :)) (thinking KAHIT KELAN PA YAN.)
We had that conversation before. So, don't blame me if I thought he srsly liked me. After two months, he's got a girlfriend. SO GWAPO, right? Psh. So, he ditched me completely. He stopped hanging out where we used to see each other. He avoided me. He stopped talking to me. LIKE, hello? Dude, do you know how many guys bow down before me? So, yeah, I got over him fast. (No, I lie. I sulked for 2 weeks) He's just one of the million famous guys in the world. There are millions of guys better than him.
And, last night, he was doing his "thing" again. At first I was being friendly (since we were really just friends before I got confused), but after two or three more exchanges, I told him to think of his girlfriend. GUESS WHAT. He no longer has a girlfriend. Too bad, kid. :/
So, now, its... Him: Date tayo? Ako: Okay lang... (thinking Not really...) Him: Kelan? Ako: Kung kelan ako free... Him: Huh? Bakit? Ako: Busy kasi ako eh. :) TRAPPED! x))
I hope guys everyone learns to face consequences. :) Labels: #cw, %taglish, `life
I'm all for originality. I'm not saying do and say things that are new. I'm saying do and say and feel what is really you. I'm all for speaking up. I'm all for showing the world who you are. Tell them what you wanna say. Say it loud and proud. Be a part of this world..? Be heard, be known… Go online and update your Facebook status, Tweet, Plurk, Blog! I am all for teenage-drama-meets-technology thing that's happening these days.
BUT I USED TO HATE TUMBLR. You know why? Because people re-post. What does that mean, right? Why would you re-cycle someone else's post? How is that original? So, when I made my blog I barely used it. Yes, I reposted like 2 or 3 entries, because they were worth sharing...
AND THEN CAME THE DAY I REPOSTED FORREALS. People make these JPEG files with words on because it's hard to say what you really want to say. I mean, srsly, it's hard to explain things and when you come across a picture with what's on your mind, you repost it. Genius. You don't know how to say what you wanna say, you go around looking for pictures with a few words on them and repost them. And I remember one picture, with a conversation:
"I hope I can read your mind."
"Read my tumblr instead."
Or something like that.
So, yeah, great job to whoever thought of this!
Labels: #cw, %english, `life
I'm browsing my blogs and came across this wonderful entry: 16 Reasons Why I Love Okamoto Keito. BELATED HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY TO MY EX-BOYFRIEND, KEITO. xD LOL.
And I'm such a great writer, a great fan, a great person. :)) Yes, World, bow down before me. BWAHAHAHAHA.
But, srsly, guys. :) If this wasn't me, I'd call it cute. HAHA. :D
BTW, Serville James, I'm finally 'fessing up, there were times I loved Keito more than you. :O //awkward. :| Labels: #update, %english, `fandom
When was the last time I cried over a music video? Do you guys know? I think I'll look for it in one of my blogs...
But, anyway, here's U-KISS with 0330. You should watch the video first before reading the rest of the entry.
The video starts and I'm like, "I'll die to be that girl." Dongho is so cute. And that pout. =3= (Okay, Marcgell, this is the awkward part when you have to learn that I got that pout from Dongho. Eesh.) Confusion...then Eli's angry... and then I'm crying... And... T__T This is the only MV that I didn't rewatch right away. BECAUSE IT'S F***ING SAAAAAD. I can't believe I said I'll die to be that girl? T__T And WTH. It's so sad. And I'm over-reacting again and again.
[edit] So, okay, here's the drama version of 0330. Go watch it if you're more confused than sad. :O Anyway, here's the story. Dongho met this girl, who then becomes his girlfriend. They're all cute and lovely... And for some weird reasons, she disappears. Out of all the pain in the world, Dongho still thinks she's there, and that she's with him... And his friends just can't take it anymore, so they tell him to stop it. And that's that. :O Labels: #update, %english, `fandom, `me
Well, no, IDK. :O HAHA. But, IDK, all my girl friends read. And here's a PDF file of the list of every book I have in mind. If you read THE LIST, you'll get to know me 500 times more. I swear.
Oh, and I'm home BTW. I love unlimited access to TV, fridge, iced tea, bed, and cats. :O Haha~ :))
That is all. :) Labels: #update, %english, `me
tagboard soon
The cat loves to purr, and meow, and hiss. She's a very noisy cat, obviously. Kitty loves to sleep, next to her love for food. Food she loves include pizza, pasta, crepes, pancakes, cakes, milktea,burgers, etc. She loves being worshipped. Bow down to me!!! She loves cuddles, unless we're not close, eew don't touch me freak.
This kitty is in-love with a non-reacting bunny. He's always acting cool, and fails at it. He is crazy and loves computers.
This is still pretty much under construction; hence the emptiness.
 Adopted Trees.