Suicidal Foot 4.0 - Hell Break
This blog contains five years worth of rants and babbles. It is not for the faint hearted, nor the nosy, nor for the narrow minded. It does not discriminate sex nor religious preferences. It loves you because nobody ever will. All hail Suicidal Foot! All hail the drama queen who writes, and her little servant boy!
Saturday, June 14, 2014 @ 7:27:00 AM
Maleficent Movie Review (SPOILER ALERT).

First of all, I would like to say that I totally loved the Disney animated movie of Sleeping Beauty. I've seen it numerous times, and I believe I have enough idea of what each character's personality is. Growing up, I have also read some adaptations. In my opinion, I have enough background of how evil Maleficent is.

She has always been portrayed as the baddest bitch in the fairy land. She crashes parties. She curses babies. She grows thorny shit everywhere 'cause you shall not pass. She breaks the land so you'll fall to your death trying to pass. I told you, you shall not pass. She becomes a dragon for fucks sake. She's the most evil villain in my childhood, even eviler than Voldemort (who's secretly gay, I swear).

But, the movie, surprisingly by Disney, portrayed Maleficent as confused and bitter. I didn't like how the story went, I was so confused and disappointed. It may have been because I've seen the old animated film, but me and my brother were WTF-ing the whole time.

WTF moments:
1. When Maleficent cursed the baby Aurora into an unending sleep.
WHAAAT?! Why would she go so soft on her betraying lover's precious innocent daughter?! She should not have held back, and just said YOU WILL DIE YOU FUCK.
2. When Maleficent added that Aurora will wake up to true love's kiss, and then looked at Stephen like "you know, 'cause there's no such thing as true love"
Why should they portray Maleficent as a bitter ex lover? She should just have been angry and destructive. I mean, I acknowledge that in the background story, he betrayed her, mutilated her. But, can't she just be mean to him without saying 'cause you broke my heart.
3. The three fairies
Because they were portrayed as careless and simply silly. Aurora went running to godknowswhere, and they never suspect a thing.
4. Maleficent takes care of Aurora. She tries to take the curse back. She wakes Aurora up with her kiss.
The queen of evil should have a heart of stone. End of story.
5. Maleficent does not transform into a dragon.
Just. No.

Good point of the movie:
1. Great acting
2. Great effects
3. Nice background story.
4. I finally know what that crow is.

Overall, I still like the classic story of an evil fairy trying to kill a baby. That is all. OKbye.

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