I forgot what I was supposed to post, but one thing's for sure: I really do love my Physics friends. :)
I love Dan, Josh, and Damian (DJD, ooh~) for all the plans they've made for bonding sessions. If ever I do shift out to BS CE, I've got lots of memories with the dudes and the babes. :)
I love Aiko, Elsie, Nicole, and Jessie for all the laugh trips and chakaness.
Speaking of chakaness, I love Art Graeson for the being such a fanboy, and for teaching me how to ride the MRT, making my Eevee experience possible. :)
I love Reza and Jessica, they are just too cute to be ignored.
I love Tintin, Pam, and Han, my Geol Lab friends.
I love my blockmates. I love all my Math 17 classmates! For they share with me all the torture I feel from Sir Rizzie. I'm not alone. Haha. :))
I love my first set of Physics friends, Aldrich, Cephas, and Isabel. They are the first three at making me stay
I love the shared meals, shared movies, shared homeworks (hohoho), shared experiences, shared stories... :))
I love my Physics friends so much. ♥ Labels: #list, `life, `school, fireworks, random, school
I never really fangirled for an OPM band. I'm a fan of Ely Buendia, of Eraserheads, of Bamboo, of Parokya ni Edgar, of 6 Cyclemind... but I never really fangirled over any of them. And then came Eevee.
So, the band with a pretty cute name (yes, the pokemon) played at the electi[V]e concert. They were seriously good. And Paolo was so cute. x) I downloaded their album, I got hooked. Marian said I think their cool because I can relate to the songs, but when she heard them... You know what happened. :)
[L-R, T-B : Craig Neniel, drums; Jerrick Sy, base; Paolo Segura, lead guitars; Enzo Villegas, vocals/guitars]
I watched their gig at SM Megamall. :)) All I wanted to do was fangirl. Maybe take a couple of pictures with them, then run before the clock strikes seven. But, I got into their make-shift dressing room. Thanks Kuya Craig for taking me there :)) And, fine, you gave me a hug, which I didn't feel. Haha. Anyway, I stayed there before and after their perf. I didn't feel so out of place, really. They guys were loud and fun. Thanks to Eevee's Mom, Ms. Queenie for taking care of me. :))
Met Elaisa, a fan turned friend of Eevee. She's so cool. She said, at first, you'll think them guys are so cool, but in the end, you'll see them as "parang mga adik lang, mga tambay sa kanto." Haha. :))
[ with Paolo Segura :) ]
Enzo and Paolo are really funny. :) I love their sharing band stories. My personal favorite would be the story of Enzo getting a tattoo (just last week) while the rest of the guys are waiting for him for the practice. Epic. xD
And so after tonight, I'm not really fangirling for Eevee again. Their not so exciting anymore, boo! Just kidding... I'll technically just be on the sideline, waiting for that 25,000 people to have their seat. x))
Sidenote, skip if you must.
My first time to ride the MRT. My first time to SM Megamall alone. My first time to actually chat and eat and laugh with recording artists. My first time to be treated by a recording artist. My first time to be given an album, Enzo's copy, too. My first time to be late in the dorm. My first time to just be, you know, cool. :)
When they played Larawan, I got really teary-eyed. I've heard the song a thousand times, I've thought of that a thousand times. But I was never moved this much. :( Eevee, when they play live, they don't just do it. They've got tricks up their sleeves that make you wanna listen and feel the song.
Saturday Night is a great song to lift up the mood. :))
Eevee is just like a musical barkada. Fun. ♥ Labels: #life, #update, %english, `fandom, `life, `me, fireworks
I've started such a great week. "Never late for class!" And then Friday came. :| I missed Math 17 and Geol 11 Lab. Because my legs overslept! No, seriously, it's true. I got Walking for Fitness the day before, so, yeah, my legs died.
I was like, "oh, okay. Things will fall into place, anyway." So, here I am, trying to be positive. Just that.
Oh, wait. Our reporting in Geog 1 went really well, for a change! :) It was actually fun. And then we (with JayR and Mikee) walked home and saw Tei with friends. He shouted, "Uy! Sya yun! Sya yung sinasabi kong girlfriend ni Job! Wendi! Wendi! Di ba kayo na ni Job?" ARGH! Embarassing. x.x
Eevee will be in SM Megamall tomorrow. :| I wanna go!!! Labels: #update, %english, `me, `school
FridayEarly dismissal in Geol 11.1 = Physics Gala. Lunch on Dan. :)) Yey~
UP Close - Electi[V]e Freshie Concert Hugged VJ Alvey! :D I even poked his right arm. MUSCLES. *drool* Ang galing ng bands! All hail Sugar free, Up Dhrama Down, 6 Cycle Mind, and Pedicab! Hope I didn't miss any? I love Franco's Music. But I love Paolo Segura of EeveE more. :)) [ who's he? ] Ang funny ng division ng audience. Left are the real party people, right were the okay ones. We were on the left side, of course. And most of the audience were Pisayers! :D Haha.
Saturday Make up class in Geol 11. puro Geol nalang, BS AppPhy naman ako. :/ Watched Inception with Physics People: ML, Adrian, Art, Damian, Dan, Josh, Reza, Elsie, Jessie, Pam, and my ampon, Marian (who's a Geology major). Their treat, thanks Damian, Dan, and Josh! :D What if what we believe as true is just an idea planted in our dream? :) Dumaan ng Timezone. Dumaan ng SM Annex with Art and Marian. Panalo si Marian with escalators :) Haha.
Sunday MSG Party with IRC people, James, Justin, Marian... Kailangan lang talaga naming bumobo. Haha.
Nakitulog si Marian sa room namin. Dahil pareho kaming walang roommates. x)
I love this weekend. But, it's Monday, and so today doesn't really count except for this.
Labels: #list, %taglish, `life, `me, `school, fireworks
Because I need to keep myself sane.
Tei* is so annoying. He keeps telling people that I'm Job's** girlfriend. He introduced me to other Pisay Main people as such. Bullying up 'til now. T__T
I overslept. I missed PE. :| I don't want to walk to SM Marikina, whatever Ian and others say and do, I shall accomplish 17 Bonus walks and be exempted from the Final Exam.
I missed the College Pasiklaban. :| I wasn't able to secure a late night permit. And even if I had one, I won't go. I have a reaction paper to finish.
Speaking of reaction papers, dammit. Sabaw na utak ko. When I arrived here in the dorm, I talked to the laundry woman blah blah blah, had dinner, took a nice cold bath, and started my paper. And guess what, I can't think straight. Like my mind goes elsewhere. Do I have ADHD or something? O.o Irah and Justin helped me with the organizing part, and when I was about to really start, there's a Food Com meeting. And so on and so forth. I'm here, half way done.
Ashley Pajas said Jam looks like Vil. And so my Facebook primary pic is awkward. :|
I'm hungry. Don't have any food. :(
I'm broke. Damn, rent my SmartBro, please. O.o
*Tei - Pisay Main guy I met in Albay **Job - Leader of Tei's Research Group, the bullied one Mentioned them in one of my posts already. Labels: #life, `life, `me, `school
greatness. GA 3rd floor greatness. having no violations in the dorm. :D being stuck with BA Two Three. another year in Irah's life. that and that gone.
Just look at the bright side. It's an order.
Labels: #list, %tagalog, `life, `me, `school
About the Party. Overall it was fun and okay.
In detail, everybody seemed to be in the mood. Wenk wenk. Kuya Shin Boo was Bob Marley. Seriously. The perf wasn't as good as expected, but was okay. The other perfs were really cool, too. :) I had so much fun dancing along with the KPop Group. The line for the food was fucking long, but the Lechon was worth it. Thanks, Ian for getting le food. Haha.
The Experience. I wanna stay with BA Two Three. Even though there were a few bumps on the road, the 5-day ride with them was hella epic. I still want to work with Mo, Ian, Paul, Jam, Gio, Bryle, Albei, Clarus, and all the other BA Two Three dudes. It's that quote once again, "Don't be sad it's over. Be glad it happened."
[edit | adding] Ian, maraming salamat sa pagsalo sakin... Oo na, ampangit ko, andami kong mali. :| Mo, hahahaha. :)) Patawa. 'Yun na yun. Labels: #life, #update, %english, `life
WTH. I've never been this tired since Freshie Initiation (last year in Pisay).
It's so hard to exert effort for all the people in your corridor. :| That's just wrong. It makes you insomniac, and forces you on a diet.
I love GA, seriously. But this activity just makes me wanna scream sometimes. We all have things to do, okay? And if you didn't want to follow me, you shouldn't have assigned me to be your Asst. CorRep / 3rd Floor CorRep in the first place. And, come on. I did my best to make it really simple, and for the really really lazy ones to not have something to do.
I think the Perf later will be a blast. :P
I like BA 2&3. Please let them be the our partner corridor 'til the end. :| Labels: #life, %english
Para kang Math Equation. Ang ganda mong tignan, ang hirap naman kunin solutions mo. Challenging kang subukan, ang hirap mong iwan. 'Pag nakuha ko solutions mo, matutuwa ako. 'Pag nagkamali ako, balik sa simula, para sigurado... Madalas mali ako, TAE* nalang ba 'to?
It's not interesting how I've been. What I've been doing to be feeling this way is more interesting, right? Right? :)
"Magiging common sense na lang ang Physics." I didn't mean Physics is easy. I was just commenting on Prof Canlubo's "there will come a time na, kahit hindi mo na i-solve, alam mo na 'yung sagot." NO, I'm not the next Einstein, pauso lang 'yun ni Sir.
Geol 11 is really shitting on my college life. But, okay lang. I can manage.
Should I or Should I not Shift to CE? Damian made a great point last Tuesday. Their Math is our Math. Their Physics is our Physics. But our Physics isn't theirs. Gets? (makukuha natin lahat ng Math at Physics nila, pero hindi nila dadaanan lahat ng Physics natin. )
If I graduate as a Physicist, I can take jobs offered to Math majors, and some offered to Engineers. Plus, I get to call myself a Physicist. He thinks it's cool.
TJ's point is, "name palang mahaba na, ECE." (If you don't get it, sorry.) I never had the chance to tell him I wanted to shift to CE (Civil Engg), not ECE. Anyway, I want to get a license. And it was, since I remember, my dream to be an Engineer. :| It's just wrong to suddenly be a Physicist. And it be accident!
"Hey, look! It's a circle of shit!" - Dan I love the gay couple, Josh and Dan. They're so funny together. xD
Pisay then UP Physics people are fun. UP Physics people are fun.
Math is maturity. Independence. Math is something foreign to me. I don't know. O.o
Bread instead of rice. I feel like an English. Keito might be proud of me, haha.
I hate being Assistant Corridor Representative. Hassle.
I hate computer illiterate bitches. :| But thanks for making me feel like a compwiz. :)
I'm getting lamer and lamer. Please, blame the dorm food. It infects the brain.
*TAE - Trial and Error Labels: #life, #update, %taglish, `life, `school
I forgot what I was supposed to post, but one thing's for sure: I really do love my Physics friends. :)
I love Dan, Josh, and Damian (DJD, ooh~) for all the plans they've made for bonding sessions. If ever I do shift out to BS CE, I've got lots of memories with the dudes and the babes. :)
I love Aiko, Elsie, Nicole, and Jessie for all the laugh trips and chakaness.
Speaking of chakaness, I love Art Graeson for the being such a fanboy, and for teaching me how to ride the MRT, making my Eevee experience possible. :)
I love Reza and Jessica, they are just too cute to be ignored.
I love Tintin, Pam, and Han, my Geol Lab friends.
I love my blockmates. I love all my Math 17 classmates! For they share with me all the torture I feel from Sir Rizzie. I'm not alone. Haha. :))
I love my first set of Physics friends, Aldrich, Cephas, and Isabel. They are the first three at making me stay
I love the shared meals, shared movies, shared homeworks (hohoho), shared experiences, shared stories... :))
I love my Physics friends so much. ♥ Labels: #list, `life, `school, fireworks, random, school
I never really fangirled for an OPM band. I'm a fan of Ely Buendia, of Eraserheads, of Bamboo, of Parokya ni Edgar, of 6 Cyclemind... but I never really fangirled over any of them. And then came Eevee.
So, the band with a pretty cute name (yes, the pokemon) played at the electi[V]e concert. They were seriously good. And Paolo was so cute. x) I downloaded their album, I got hooked. Marian said I think their cool because I can relate to the songs, but when she heard them... You know what happened. :)
[L-R, T-B : Craig Neniel, drums; Jerrick Sy, base; Paolo Segura, lead guitars; Enzo Villegas, vocals/guitars]
I watched their gig at SM Megamall. :)) All I wanted to do was fangirl. Maybe take a couple of pictures with them, then run before the clock strikes seven. But, I got into their make-shift dressing room. Thanks Kuya Craig for taking me there :)) And, fine, you gave me a hug, which I didn't feel. Haha. Anyway, I stayed there before and after their perf. I didn't feel so out of place, really. They guys were loud and fun. Thanks to Eevee's Mom, Ms. Queenie for taking care of me. :))
Met Elaisa, a fan turned friend of Eevee. She's so cool. She said, at first, you'll think them guys are so cool, but in the end, you'll see them as "parang mga adik lang, mga tambay sa kanto." Haha. :))
[ with Paolo Segura :) ]
Enzo and Paolo are really funny. :) I love their sharing band stories. My personal favorite would be the story of Enzo getting a tattoo (just last week) while the rest of the guys are waiting for him for the practice. Epic. xD
And so after tonight, I'm not really fangirling for Eevee again. Their not so exciting anymore, boo! Just kidding... I'll technically just be on the sideline, waiting for that 25,000 people to have their seat. x))
Sidenote, skip if you must.
My first time to ride the MRT. My first time to SM Megamall alone. My first time to actually chat and eat and laugh with recording artists. My first time to be treated by a recording artist. My first time to be given an album, Enzo's copy, too. My first time to be late in the dorm. My first time to just be, you know, cool. :)
When they played Larawan, I got really teary-eyed. I've heard the song a thousand times, I've thought of that a thousand times. But I was never moved this much. :( Eevee, when they play live, they don't just do it. They've got tricks up their sleeves that make you wanna listen and feel the song.
Saturday Night is a great song to lift up the mood. :))
Eevee is just like a musical barkada. Fun. ♥ Labels: #life, #update, %english, `fandom, `life, `me, fireworks
I've started such a great week. "Never late for class!" And then Friday came. :| I missed Math 17 and Geol 11 Lab. Because my legs overslept! No, seriously, it's true. I got Walking for Fitness the day before, so, yeah, my legs died.
I was like, "oh, okay. Things will fall into place, anyway." So, here I am, trying to be positive. Just that.
Oh, wait. Our reporting in Geog 1 went really well, for a change! :) It was actually fun. And then we (with JayR and Mikee) walked home and saw Tei with friends. He shouted, "Uy! Sya yun! Sya yung sinasabi kong girlfriend ni Job! Wendi! Wendi! Di ba kayo na ni Job?" ARGH! Embarassing. x.x
Eevee will be in SM Megamall tomorrow. :| I wanna go!!! Labels: #update, %english, `me, `school
FridayEarly dismissal in Geol 11.1 = Physics Gala. Lunch on Dan. :)) Yey~
UP Close - Electi[V]e Freshie Concert Hugged VJ Alvey! :D I even poked his right arm. MUSCLES. *drool* Ang galing ng bands! All hail Sugar free, Up Dhrama Down, 6 Cycle Mind, and Pedicab! Hope I didn't miss any? I love Franco's Music. But I love Paolo Segura of EeveE more. :)) [ who's he? ] Ang funny ng division ng audience. Left are the real party people, right were the okay ones. We were on the left side, of course. And most of the audience were Pisayers! :D Haha.
Saturday Make up class in Geol 11. puro Geol nalang, BS AppPhy naman ako. :/ Watched Inception with Physics People: ML, Adrian, Art, Damian, Dan, Josh, Reza, Elsie, Jessie, Pam, and my ampon, Marian (who's a Geology major). Their treat, thanks Damian, Dan, and Josh! :D What if what we believe as true is just an idea planted in our dream? :) Dumaan ng Timezone. Dumaan ng SM Annex with Art and Marian. Panalo si Marian with escalators :) Haha.
Sunday MSG Party with IRC people, James, Justin, Marian... Kailangan lang talaga naming bumobo. Haha.
Nakitulog si Marian sa room namin. Dahil pareho kaming walang roommates. x)
I love this weekend. But, it's Monday, and so today doesn't really count except for this.
Labels: #list, %taglish, `life, `me, `school, fireworks
Because I need to keep myself sane.
Tei* is so annoying. He keeps telling people that I'm Job's** girlfriend. He introduced me to other Pisay Main people as such. Bullying up 'til now. T__T
I overslept. I missed PE. :| I don't want to walk to SM Marikina, whatever Ian and others say and do, I shall accomplish 17 Bonus walks and be exempted from the Final Exam.
I missed the College Pasiklaban. :| I wasn't able to secure a late night permit. And even if I had one, I won't go. I have a reaction paper to finish.
Speaking of reaction papers, dammit. Sabaw na utak ko. When I arrived here in the dorm, I talked to the laundry woman blah blah blah, had dinner, took a nice cold bath, and started my paper. And guess what, I can't think straight. Like my mind goes elsewhere. Do I have ADHD or something? O.o Irah and Justin helped me with the organizing part, and when I was about to really start, there's a Food Com meeting. And so on and so forth. I'm here, half way done.
Ashley Pajas said Jam looks like Vil. And so my Facebook primary pic is awkward. :|
I'm hungry. Don't have any food. :(
I'm broke. Damn, rent my SmartBro, please. O.o
*Tei - Pisay Main guy I met in Albay **Job - Leader of Tei's Research Group, the bullied one Mentioned them in one of my posts already. Labels: #life, `life, `me, `school
greatness. GA 3rd floor greatness. having no violations in the dorm. :D being stuck with BA Two Three. another year in Irah's life. that and that gone.
Just look at the bright side. It's an order.
Labels: #list, %tagalog, `life, `me, `school
About the Party. Overall it was fun and okay.
In detail, everybody seemed to be in the mood. Wenk wenk. Kuya Shin Boo was Bob Marley. Seriously. The perf wasn't as good as expected, but was okay. The other perfs were really cool, too. :) I had so much fun dancing along with the KPop Group. The line for the food was fucking long, but the Lechon was worth it. Thanks, Ian for getting le food. Haha.
The Experience. I wanna stay with BA Two Three. Even though there were a few bumps on the road, the 5-day ride with them was hella epic. I still want to work with Mo, Ian, Paul, Jam, Gio, Bryle, Albei, Clarus, and all the other BA Two Three dudes. It's that quote once again, "Don't be sad it's over. Be glad it happened."
[edit | adding] Ian, maraming salamat sa pagsalo sakin... Oo na, ampangit ko, andami kong mali. :| Mo, hahahaha. :)) Patawa. 'Yun na yun. Labels: #life, #update, %english, `life
WTH. I've never been this tired since Freshie Initiation (last year in Pisay).
It's so hard to exert effort for all the people in your corridor. :| That's just wrong. It makes you insomniac, and forces you on a diet.
I love GA, seriously. But this activity just makes me wanna scream sometimes. We all have things to do, okay? And if you didn't want to follow me, you shouldn't have assigned me to be your Asst. CorRep / 3rd Floor CorRep in the first place. And, come on. I did my best to make it really simple, and for the really really lazy ones to not have something to do.
I think the Perf later will be a blast. :P
I like BA 2&3. Please let them be the our partner corridor 'til the end. :| Labels: #life, %english
Para kang Math Equation. Ang ganda mong tignan, ang hirap naman kunin solutions mo. Challenging kang subukan, ang hirap mong iwan. 'Pag nakuha ko solutions mo, matutuwa ako. 'Pag nagkamali ako, balik sa simula, para sigurado... Madalas mali ako, TAE* nalang ba 'to?
It's not interesting how I've been. What I've been doing to be feeling this way is more interesting, right? Right? :)
"Magiging common sense na lang ang Physics." I didn't mean Physics is easy. I was just commenting on Prof Canlubo's "there will come a time na, kahit hindi mo na i-solve, alam mo na 'yung sagot." NO, I'm not the next Einstein, pauso lang 'yun ni Sir.
Geol 11 is really shitting on my college life. But, okay lang. I can manage.
Should I or Should I not Shift to CE? Damian made a great point last Tuesday. Their Math is our Math. Their Physics is our Physics. But our Physics isn't theirs. Gets? (makukuha natin lahat ng Math at Physics nila, pero hindi nila dadaanan lahat ng Physics natin. )
If I graduate as a Physicist, I can take jobs offered to Math majors, and some offered to Engineers. Plus, I get to call myself a Physicist. He thinks it's cool.
TJ's point is, "name palang mahaba na, ECE." (If you don't get it, sorry.) I never had the chance to tell him I wanted to shift to CE (Civil Engg), not ECE. Anyway, I want to get a license. And it was, since I remember, my dream to be an Engineer. :| It's just wrong to suddenly be a Physicist. And it be accident!
"Hey, look! It's a circle of shit!" - Dan I love the gay couple, Josh and Dan. They're so funny together. xD
Pisay then UP Physics people are fun. UP Physics people are fun.
Math is maturity. Independence. Math is something foreign to me. I don't know. O.o
Bread instead of rice. I feel like an English. Keito might be proud of me, haha.
I hate being Assistant Corridor Representative. Hassle.
I hate computer illiterate bitches. :| But thanks for making me feel like a compwiz. :)
I'm getting lamer and lamer. Please, blame the dorm food. It infects the brain.
*TAE - Trial and Error Labels: #life, #update, %taglish, `life, `school
tagboard soon
The cat loves to purr, and meow, and hiss. She's a very noisy cat, obviously. Kitty loves to sleep, next to her love for food. Food she loves include pizza, pasta, crepes, pancakes, cakes, milktea,burgers, etc. She loves being worshipped. Bow down to me!!! She loves cuddles, unless we're not close, eew don't touch me freak.
This kitty is in-love with a non-reacting bunny. He's always acting cool, and fails at it. He is crazy and loves computers.
This is still pretty much under construction; hence the emptiness.
 Adopted Trees.