Suicidal Foot 4.0 - Hell Break
This blog contains five years worth of rants and babbles. It is not for the faint hearted, nor the nosy, nor for the narrow minded. It does not discriminate sex nor religious preferences. It loves you because nobody ever will. All hail Suicidal Foot! All hail the drama queen who writes, and her little servant boy!
Thursday, October 25, 2012 @ 2:25:00 AM

Excited Bunny is excited!
I can not put into the words the feelings I had in that concert. My summary would be: "wtfawesomeshitseungrycriesfeels omgicant feelstoomuchfeels." I am sorry.

I would just want to thank my boyfriend for making this experience possible. You are the best! Thank you! I love you so much!

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