Suicidal Foot 4.0 - Hell Break
This blog contains five years worth of rants and babbles. It is not for the faint hearted, nor the nosy, nor for the narrow minded. It does not discriminate sex nor religious preferences. It loves you because nobody ever will. All hail Suicidal Foot! All hail the drama queen who writes, and her little servant boy!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 @ 6:54:00 PM
Time Machine.

The question I got is from Niki: If you were to repeat a specific part in your life, what would it be? 

Every time I have exams, I ask myself: Why am I here? Why did I enter this university? I could have stayed in the province, study in the local university and be one of the smartest, and I'd be doing what I want to do, what other people should be doing right now…

But, I'm not saying I don't want to be here in UP. After exams, "yes, I did it." But, just before I enter a classroom, I always want to go back to time I was sure of what I really want.

If I could go back to a specific part of my life, that would be when I choose to enter UP. I want to go back to when I chose to be in these classrooms, with different people from different places. I want to go back to when I looked forward to being here with you guys, suffering together.

I want to go back to when I didn't have all of these (yet). Sometimes, it's nice to go back to the time where everything is just a dream.

We had less than two minutes to prepare, so I was a little, uhm, unorganized. We had another two minutes to deliver, so I kinda messed up a bit.

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