A lot of people don't like Justin Bieber. They call him "gay", and that his songs are "lame" or "stupid" and such. And then there was Rebecca Black, "who doesn't have an ounce of talent", and having her own music video was "the worst thing that ever happened to the music industry". Now, there's this Hot Problems by Double Take. It's Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black allover again, times ten.
I'm not a fan of JB, nor Rebecca, nor this Double Take thing.
I admit, JB is pretty, and his songs talk about the same things. But, I like his songs. I don't hate him. I respect him.
Friday's words are defly wacked. It's, uhm, nakakabobo. But, srsly, na-LSS ako sa Friday.
And this Hot Problems is even wacked-er. I. Just. ARGH.
But, I envy these people. You may say they look like this, or that, and that they're not talented, but I still envy them. They know what they want to do. And that is to make music. Or, atleast, try to make music. Or, maybe get famous. Hmn. Well, I envy them for knowing what they want and going for it, whether people don't like them, or even if skills tell them not to.
Just. IDK what I'm saying anymore. Kbye.
Labels: #manic, #random, #update, %taglish, `music
Recently, I've been feeling vain. I don't mean liking my face. I mean liking my body. I used to think I'm too short, or too skinny, too weird, too something... But, just recently, I've been feeling good about myself. I believe I can pull off being the way I am. SELFPRAISE. Labels: #update, %english, `me
But I have nothing interesting going on in my life right now. I bet that's one hella dangling modifier something whatever nazis need to fix. I better go. My boredome awaits me. Labels: #life, %english, update
I'm with Lei, and someone else I don't remember, and the three of us is going to this pool party in some high-end resort. Sabi kasi sakin ni Lei, tutugtog ang FT Island. So, sumama ako.When the gates opened, the scene was just magical. People having fun in a non-high way. Music blasted like a background music to a movie, I just can't figure out where it came from. There was a big pool at the far end, huts occupied half the space, and in the middle of the area was a make-shift bar. And then, there he was, the man I've so long wanted to meet, Choi Minhwan of FT Island. 'Di ko madescribe 'yung kilig na naramdaman ko. Agad-agad, I kinalabit ko na 'yung mga kasama ko and motioned them to follow me. "Can we take a picture together?" He looked at me and my heart melted like ice cream on a summer day. "Sure," he smiled at me. He put his drink down and stood up. Okay, he's tall. I'm, like, below his shoulder, so, he awkwardly sat down again. He put his hand on my arm and pulled me towards him. I felt like dying out of fangasm. His face beside mine. I felt his nose brush on my cheek as he looked at me. His breath on my cheek melted my already-slushie heart. When the picture-taking was done, I looked at him. He was holding a phone on his left hand. "Can I get your number?" Praise the god of all gods! Just like that, he actually gave his number. All the while, I kept on looking at him. He's just drinking, or rather, swirling the contents of his glass, looking relaxed. He seems to be just watching the party going on, like he's happy about everything around him. Suddenly, he saw me. I broke eye-contact. I tried to look busy with my phone but I just remembered how easily I got his number. Wait. That's it. I got his number. I'll just text him. Ask him how he's doing. I don't know why, or how, or if i'm dreaming, but it just happened. He's English isn't that good. I mean. Wow. Life is getting better and better every minute. As the night grew older, more miracles seemed to happened. He was beside me, and he was just smiling. We didn't converse, to be honest. We shared a few broken words once in a while, but most of the time we just, looked at each other. i told him i was there because Lei told me they'd play. He said they weren't going to perform, and that the crowd doesn't seem to know him. He said he's happy someone recognized him. Until eyeing turned into holding hands, and touching faces... and... and then my phone rang. Marcgell asked me to meet him at the gates. I went to the gates, and he was there. He kept on telling me things, and that he wanted to get inside. "No," I kept on telling him. "You can't come in here." IDK how, but... things just happened. And then I woke up. Thank God, Marcgell's still my boyfriend. Labels: #cw, %taglish, `fandom, fireworks
A lot of people don't like Justin Bieber. They call him "gay", and that his songs are "lame" or "stupid" and such. And then there was Rebecca Black, "who doesn't have an ounce of talent", and having her own music video was "the worst thing that ever happened to the music industry". Now, there's this Hot Problems by Double Take. It's Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black allover again, times ten.
I'm not a fan of JB, nor Rebecca, nor this Double Take thing.
I admit, JB is pretty, and his songs talk about the same things. But, I like his songs. I don't hate him. I respect him.
Friday's words are defly wacked. It's, uhm, nakakabobo. But, srsly, na-LSS ako sa Friday.
And this Hot Problems is even wacked-er. I. Just. ARGH.
But, I envy these people. You may say they look like this, or that, and that they're not talented, but I still envy them. They know what they want to do. And that is to make music. Or, atleast, try to make music. Or, maybe get famous. Hmn. Well, I envy them for knowing what they want and going for it, whether people don't like them, or even if skills tell them not to.
Just. IDK what I'm saying anymore. Kbye.
Labels: #manic, #random, #update, %taglish, `music
Recently, I've been feeling vain. I don't mean liking my face. I mean liking my body. I used to think I'm too short, or too skinny, too weird, too something... But, just recently, I've been feeling good about myself. I believe I can pull off being the way I am. SELFPRAISE. Labels: #update, %english, `me
But I have nothing interesting going on in my life right now. I bet that's one hella dangling modifier something whatever nazis need to fix. I better go. My boredome awaits me. Labels: #life, %english, update
I'm with Lei, and someone else I don't remember, and the three of us is going to this pool party in some high-end resort. Sabi kasi sakin ni Lei, tutugtog ang FT Island. So, sumama ako.When the gates opened, the scene was just magical. People having fun in a non-high way. Music blasted like a background music to a movie, I just can't figure out where it came from. There was a big pool at the far end, huts occupied half the space, and in the middle of the area was a make-shift bar. And then, there he was, the man I've so long wanted to meet, Choi Minhwan of FT Island. 'Di ko madescribe 'yung kilig na naramdaman ko. Agad-agad, I kinalabit ko na 'yung mga kasama ko and motioned them to follow me. "Can we take a picture together?" He looked at me and my heart melted like ice cream on a summer day. "Sure," he smiled at me. He put his drink down and stood up. Okay, he's tall. I'm, like, below his shoulder, so, he awkwardly sat down again. He put his hand on my arm and pulled me towards him. I felt like dying out of fangasm. His face beside mine. I felt his nose brush on my cheek as he looked at me. His breath on my cheek melted my already-slushie heart. When the picture-taking was done, I looked at him. He was holding a phone on his left hand. "Can I get your number?" Praise the god of all gods! Just like that, he actually gave his number. All the while, I kept on looking at him. He's just drinking, or rather, swirling the contents of his glass, looking relaxed. He seems to be just watching the party going on, like he's happy about everything around him. Suddenly, he saw me. I broke eye-contact. I tried to look busy with my phone but I just remembered how easily I got his number. Wait. That's it. I got his number. I'll just text him. Ask him how he's doing. I don't know why, or how, or if i'm dreaming, but it just happened. He's English isn't that good. I mean. Wow. Life is getting better and better every minute. As the night grew older, more miracles seemed to happened. He was beside me, and he was just smiling. We didn't converse, to be honest. We shared a few broken words once in a while, but most of the time we just, looked at each other. i told him i was there because Lei told me they'd play. He said they weren't going to perform, and that the crowd doesn't seem to know him. He said he's happy someone recognized him. Until eyeing turned into holding hands, and touching faces... and... and then my phone rang. Marcgell asked me to meet him at the gates. I went to the gates, and he was there. He kept on telling me things, and that he wanted to get inside. "No," I kept on telling him. "You can't come in here." IDK how, but... things just happened. And then I woke up. Thank God, Marcgell's still my boyfriend. Labels: #cw, %taglish, `fandom, fireworks
tagboard soon
The cat loves to purr, and meow, and hiss. She's a very noisy cat, obviously. Kitty loves to sleep, next to her love for food. Food she loves include pizza, pasta, crepes, pancakes, cakes, milktea,burgers, etc. She loves being worshipped. Bow down to me!!! She loves cuddles, unless we're not close, eew don't touch me freak.
This kitty is in-love with a non-reacting bunny. He's always acting cool, and fails at it. He is crazy and loves computers.
This is still pretty much under construction; hence the emptiness.
 Adopted Trees.