I know that maybe now is a little too early, but I just can't hold this feeling anymore. I've been pretty much pretending to myself and the world, and this is not me. I'm coming out of the dark.
I don't like hate talking to Chan when she's speaking trying to speak in English. If you guys don't know who she is, she's my roommate. So I'm stuck with her for four or more months. But just now, my mind exploded and I want to give up on life. Her diction is all wrong. Her grammar is all wrong. Her sentence construction is all wrong. Her, oh, I don't know. I just can't understand her English. Okay, so I'm no Einstein either. But, be honest! At least my English is better than "I saw my, uh, like, I saw myself, uh, hanging in our window's room. I am so suicidal, like, you know. I had to, ano, talk, like, to some person." Hands down, I win.
This I'm about to do is very, very bitchy, excuse me, please. If you hate me after reading this post, well, I hate you for expecting too much from me! Kidding!
ANYWAY, she is so ignorant about a lot of things. ( I can't find a kinder word for ignorant, sorry. ) I'm not being a smartass. I mean, she doesn't know what YM is! Well, now she knows, but, heck?! And, and, and... when we first met, she asked me if I know how to party, what people do in parties, and if people drink. :| If you've watched anything on TV for an hour, or dwelled in the Internet for 30 minutes, flipped through a magazine or a newspaper, or walked around a mall... if you've done atleast one of these, you will know the answers to her questions.
Yes, I know how to party. In parties, people eat and drink, and dance, maybe spend some money, and have fun. Yes, people drink, but not necessarily alcohol (yeah, right).
It's like having my grandma for a roommate. She's got so many questions. What does EPIC mean? What are you doing? What's Photoshop? And sometimes she asks things that my mom or dad should probably ask me sometimes. Where did you go? Is that resto expensive? Did you spend all your money? Did your boyfriend treat you? Why don't you have a boyfriend? How was your day? And, those are my translations of the questions, by the way.
Speaking of EPIC, after learning what EPIC and EPIC FAIL means, all hell went loose. It added up to her synonyms for awesome. She describes something cool with: cool, so epic, like so awesome, great, perfect, the best. Choose atleast four to use in one sentence. :|
I want to re-type what she just told me now, when she saw me typing and killing my keyboard. But I can't keep up with the errors. I give up.
So, maybe you're thinking, "WTH, talk to her!" Well, the problem is, I start talking to her in plain Tagalog and she struggles to answer in alien English. I have to look stupid while decoding her phrases. At least she tries, I give her credit on that. And I bet she really really REALLY wants to learn English. She had English 1 last time, and she's enrolled in Communication 3 this sem. I don't want to discourage her, because I believe the Philippines needs competent professionals. I just hope she learns that she can talk to me in Tagalog.
I have a lot lot lot more to complain about, but this particular topics should be first.
[1:13 AM] Labels: #life, %english, `life, suicidal
I know that maybe now is a little too early, but I just can't hold this feeling anymore. I've been pretty much pretending to myself and the world, and this is not me. I'm coming out of the dark.
I don't like hate talking to Chan when she's speaking trying to speak in English. If you guys don't know who she is, she's my roommate. So I'm stuck with her for four or more months. But just now, my mind exploded and I want to give up on life. Her diction is all wrong. Her grammar is all wrong. Her sentence construction is all wrong. Her, oh, I don't know. I just can't understand her English. Okay, so I'm no Einstein either. But, be honest! At least my English is better than "I saw my, uh, like, I saw myself, uh, hanging in our window's room. I am so suicidal, like, you know. I had to, ano, talk, like, to some person." Hands down, I win.
This I'm about to do is very, very bitchy, excuse me, please. If you hate me after reading this post, well, I hate you for expecting too much from me! Kidding!
ANYWAY, she is so ignorant about a lot of things. ( I can't find a kinder word for ignorant, sorry. ) I'm not being a smartass. I mean, she doesn't know what YM is! Well, now she knows, but, heck?! And, and, and... when we first met, she asked me if I know how to party, what people do in parties, and if people drink. :| If you've watched anything on TV for an hour, or dwelled in the Internet for 30 minutes, flipped through a magazine or a newspaper, or walked around a mall... if you've done atleast one of these, you will know the answers to her questions.
Yes, I know how to party. In parties, people eat and drink, and dance, maybe spend some money, and have fun. Yes, people drink, but not necessarily alcohol (yeah, right).
It's like having my grandma for a roommate. She's got so many questions. What does EPIC mean? What are you doing? What's Photoshop? And sometimes she asks things that my mom or dad should probably ask me sometimes. Where did you go? Is that resto expensive? Did you spend all your money? Did your boyfriend treat you? Why don't you have a boyfriend? How was your day? And, those are my translations of the questions, by the way.
Speaking of EPIC, after learning what EPIC and EPIC FAIL means, all hell went loose. It added up to her synonyms for awesome. She describes something cool with: cool, so epic, like so awesome, great, perfect, the best. Choose atleast four to use in one sentence. :|
I want to re-type what she just told me now, when she saw me typing and killing my keyboard. But I can't keep up with the errors. I give up.
So, maybe you're thinking, "WTH, talk to her!" Well, the problem is, I start talking to her in plain Tagalog and she struggles to answer in alien English. I have to look stupid while decoding her phrases. At least she tries, I give her credit on that. And I bet she really really REALLY wants to learn English. She had English 1 last time, and she's enrolled in Communication 3 this sem. I don't want to discourage her, because I believe the Philippines needs competent professionals. I just hope she learns that she can talk to me in Tagalog.
I have a lot lot lot more to complain about, but this particular topics should be first.
[1:13 AM] Labels: #life, %english, `life, suicidal
tagboard soon
The cat loves to purr, and meow, and hiss. She's a very noisy cat, obviously. Kitty loves to sleep, next to her love for food. Food she loves include pizza, pasta, crepes, pancakes, cakes, milktea,burgers, etc. She loves being worshipped. Bow down to me!!! She loves cuddles, unless we're not close, eew don't touch me freak.
This kitty is in-love with a non-reacting bunny. He's always acting cool, and fails at it. He is crazy and loves computers.
This is still pretty much under construction; hence the emptiness.
 Adopted Trees.