Suicidal Foot 4.0 - Hell Break
This blog contains five years worth of rants and babbles. It is not for the faint hearted, nor the nosy, nor for the narrow minded. It does not discriminate sex nor religious preferences. It loves you because nobody ever will. All hail Suicidal Foot! All hail the drama queen who writes, and her little servant boy!
Thursday, November 22, 2007 @ 8:21:00 PM
The Third Temptation of V-ball.

Where did my trauma from Volleyball came from??? Is it just an excuse for my lack of talent in sports? Or am I just too "maarte"?

Certainly, I'm weak. But then, I'll be weaker if I use stupid excuses. And if ever I'm "maarte", it has nothing to do with my talents. <*I'm not a stupid girl who acts fragile just to look feminine.*>

ISNHS, a month before the Intramurals

We were practicing for cheering inside the gym. ISNHS is just a public school. We shared the gym with a V-ball team. With all the teams, why did it have to be a V-ball team? A very powerful strike and the ball is out of control. With the squad's backs to the V-ball team, we didn't notice the ball. The ball missed my head by an inch. Two weeks or so later, I got hit by the same f*cking ball, at my back! I was literally out of breath. That was a year and so from now. So why just now did I post my story? And it's not even blog material!

We're having V-ball for P.E. this quarter. Yes, V-ball. I never told my fear to anyone. I did told them I'm afraid of balls - not V-ball specifically. I tried acting naturally. But any secret will someday come to the open...

PSHS-IRC, November 22, '07
We only had one subject in the afternoon, since the other teachers have some business to do. I used the time in re-writing notes and such. The others inside the room are playing V-ball. Once again, I got hit by a V-ball. Why does these happen when I'm not looking? Why does it happen when I can't dodge??? Why did this happen when my trauma's wearing off? Bad memories flood. The terror and embarrasment. Of how I can brandish it out of my nature, I do not know. Maybe I'm not supposed to be near it. I'm cursed for life, I'm sure. Anyway, third time's the charm.

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