SITUATION: Your goal feels so near yet so far away. ('Cause I've been hearing this a lot lately.)
If you have this feeling, you should (1) congratulate yourself for knowing what you want. Even for a bit, relax and look at you goal. Lasapin mo 'yung sight habang meron pa. Etchos.
Be strong, (2) reach out your hand and grab it. You are already certain of what you want. So, if you have the chance, grab it. If you're able to grasp it, then well and good. There's no need to wait for it to come walking to you. If you felt it in your finger tips, then you know you need a little more effort. If you weren't able to touch even the shadows (like duh, haha), then you have to work really hard, big time.
So, wala lang. :] Labels: #cw, %english, `life
SITUATION: Your goal feels so near yet so far away. ('Cause I've been hearing this a lot lately.)
If you have this feeling, you should (1) congratulate yourself for knowing what you want. Even for a bit, relax and look at you goal. Lasapin mo 'yung sight habang meron pa. Etchos.
Be strong, (2) reach out your hand and grab it. You are already certain of what you want. So, if you have the chance, grab it. If you're able to grasp it, then well and good. There's no need to wait for it to come walking to you. If you felt it in your finger tips, then you know you need a little more effort. If you weren't able to touch even the shadows (like duh, haha), then you have to work really hard, big time.
So, wala lang. :] Labels: #cw, %english, `life
tagboard soon
The cat loves to purr, and meow, and hiss. She's a very noisy cat, obviously. Kitty loves to sleep, next to her love for food. Food she loves include pizza, pasta, crepes, pancakes, cakes, milktea,burgers, etc. She loves being worshipped. Bow down to me!!! She loves cuddles, unless we're not close, eew don't touch me freak.
This kitty is in-love with a non-reacting bunny. He's always acting cool, and fails at it. He is crazy and loves computers.
This is still pretty much under construction; hence the emptiness.
 Adopted Trees.