Author's Note: I got this crazy idea. And by crazy, I mean, really REALLY really crazy. I'll marry three times. I'm here to share the story about my future second husband. :DOne rainy afternoon, in Shibuya Station, I bumped into the guy of my dreams. I forgot about him, but, there he was, standing right in-front of me. After that encounter, I tried of getting his attention. I walked in-front of Johnny's Jimusho as much as I can, however far it is from my home and my office.
It was a few months of stalk-, uhm, studying him. And when things seemed pathetic, I stopped. I looked myself in the mirror one morning and said, "if I was destined to love again, I'd wait for love to come." I worked as usual, fixed work for the next day, and then went home. On my way home, love came.
I saw Okamoto Keito again, and he was looking in my direction, as we were walking towards each other. I bothered to say, "hi, I'm a fan!" Surprisingly, he replied thank you, and said he knew he saw me before. We were going separate ways, so it wasn't a long conversation. I did give him my card. He said he'll try to stay in-touch. Since that day, bumping into him became a habit, and sometimes he's with other familiar faces. Giving hellos became short conversations at a coffee shop in the next block. The accidental meet-ups turned into planned dates. It was a long way of friendship. I guess because we're both "foreigners" in one way or the other.
Friends became lovers, but it wasn't easy. We became an item, and soon enough, I married again. I can't say that everybody's happy. There were a lot of trouble at his side of the family. His Dad ranted about marrying a widow, and said it's not as easy as it looks to leave Johnny's. In my side of the family, I got a "WTH are you doing marrying again?!" kind of fuzz. But anyway, they couldn't do anything about it. I'm in Japan, they're in the Philippines. Anyway, it's too long a story that I'll cut it again: we had a son.
I always wanted to have a young family, so did Keito. It's all weird how life turned out to be, we were already 30 when we married and started our family. Keito joined his Dad's business. We were able to spend time together, we were one normal family.
We were one normal family. Until Keito got obsessed with our son entering Johnny's. He thinks everything I do is against it. He just turned crazy one dinner, when I server a fish meal. I don't know how or why, but the argument went to a little too far. Weeks later, we decided to divorce. Months later, I was on a plane back to the Philippines.
A/N: Early this year, I had this dream of Keito and me fighting at the dinner table, resulting to a divorce, and our son was shocked (well, he should be), our son's friends were shocked... It was a beautiful nightmare. :D I feel weird making this story. It's all fun when I share it to my friends, and everybody laughs. But it's not fun when things sound serious. So, laught it all up, people! xD
Author's Note: I got this crazy idea. And by crazy, I mean, really REALLY really crazy. I'll marry three times. I'm here to share the story about my future second husband. :DOne rainy afternoon, in Shibuya Station, I bumped into the guy of my dreams. I forgot about him, but, there he was, standing right in-front of me. After that encounter, I tried of getting his attention. I walked in-front of Johnny's Jimusho as much as I can, however far it is from my home and my office.
It was a few months of stalk-, uhm, studying him. And when things seemed pathetic, I stopped. I looked myself in the mirror one morning and said, "if I was destined to love again, I'd wait for love to come." I worked as usual, fixed work for the next day, and then went home. On my way home, love came.
I saw Okamoto Keito again, and he was looking in my direction, as we were walking towards each other. I bothered to say, "hi, I'm a fan!" Surprisingly, he replied thank you, and said he knew he saw me before. We were going separate ways, so it wasn't a long conversation. I did give him my card. He said he'll try to stay in-touch. Since that day, bumping into him became a habit, and sometimes he's with other familiar faces. Giving hellos became short conversations at a coffee shop in the next block. The accidental meet-ups turned into planned dates. It was a long way of friendship. I guess because we're both "foreigners" in one way or the other.
Friends became lovers, but it wasn't easy. We became an item, and soon enough, I married again. I can't say that everybody's happy. There were a lot of trouble at his side of the family. His Dad ranted about marrying a widow, and said it's not as easy as it looks to leave Johnny's. In my side of the family, I got a "WTH are you doing marrying again?!" kind of fuzz. But anyway, they couldn't do anything about it. I'm in Japan, they're in the Philippines. Anyway, it's too long a story that I'll cut it again: we had a son.
I always wanted to have a young family, so did Keito. It's all weird how life turned out to be, we were already 30 when we married and started our family. Keito joined his Dad's business. We were able to spend time together, we were one normal family.
We were one normal family. Until Keito got obsessed with our son entering Johnny's. He thinks everything I do is against it. He just turned crazy one dinner, when I server a fish meal. I don't know how or why, but the argument went to a little too far. Weeks later, we decided to divorce. Months later, I was on a plane back to the Philippines.
A/N: Early this year, I had this dream of Keito and me fighting at the dinner table, resulting to a divorce, and our son was shocked (well, he should be), our son's friends were shocked... It was a beautiful nightmare. :D I feel weird making this story. It's all fun when I share it to my friends, and everybody laughs. But it's not fun when things sound serious. So, laught it all up, people! xD
tagboard soon
The cat loves to purr, and meow, and hiss. She's a very noisy cat, obviously. Kitty loves to sleep, next to her love for food. Food she loves include pizza, pasta, crepes, pancakes, cakes, milktea,burgers, etc. She loves being worshipped. Bow down to me!!! She loves cuddles, unless we're not close, eew don't touch me freak.
This kitty is in-love with a non-reacting bunny. He's always acting cool, and fails at it. He is crazy and loves computers.
This is still pretty much under construction; hence the emptiness.
 Adopted Trees.