Suicidal Foot 4.0 - Hell Break
This blog contains five years worth of rants and babbles. It is not for the faint hearted, nor the nosy, nor for the narrow minded. It does not discriminate sex nor religious preferences. It loves you because nobody ever will. All hail Suicidal Foot! All hail the drama queen who writes, and her little servant boy!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 6:02:00 PM

Phobia-simply fear.
Phobophobia-fear of phobias.

Archophobia-fear of heights.
Agrizoophobia-fear of wild anmals.
Agyrophobia-fear of streets or crossing the streets.
Arachnophobia-fear of spiders.

These are some of my fears. Yes, even a cute and strong person like me have fears...
I fear heights most. Honestly, I can't resist looking down. Kaya 'yun.
I fear wild animals. They might eat me alive!
I have Agyrophobia, since, I was nearly hit by a car while I was crossing.
Those eight legs of spiders make me shiver. They look so yucky! I hate those spideys!

Anyway, wala lang. Got nothing else to post, eh.

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