Suicidal Foot 4.0 - Hell Break
This blog contains five years worth of rants and babbles. It is not for the faint hearted, nor the nosy, nor for the narrow minded. It does not discriminate sex nor religious preferences. It loves you because nobody ever will. All hail Suicidal Foot! All hail the drama queen who writes, and her little servant boy!
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 9:33:00 PM
unang araw ng pagbabalik. xD.

it was boring.

i got kidnapped... almost.

I was so tired, hungry, sleepy... my neck was threatening to snap. I was waiting for a jeep on my way home. It was already 6 p.m. Damn it. I hate waiting.

This jeep stopped and I got on. DEMO, the guy said, "Private 'to!"

I was getting off when another said it was okay. So, I stayed. A lady said the jeep will go to a place called Bussiing. I said, "Okay po."

We traveled for like 40 minutes? And they were talking about jueteng. OMG. Kobradors. I thought I wouldn't get home alive! I thought I was being kidnapped. AND, that explains the boxes of money. O_o and I mean, BOXES... and BAGS!

I was dying with fear! And I know I become asthmatic! I thought they'll rape me, kill me, chop me, feed me to the fishes swimming under the river flowing through a bridge we passed by. I forgot I was hungry, sleepy, tired... Even my neck seemed to have rejoined my body. OMG. I was sweating even though I should have been wearing a jacket.

After dropping the money off somewhere, we continued to the 'real' route. Then they started interviewing me, about PSHS and such. That was when I realized I might make it home alive. xDD

I almost died.

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